Blueprint Variables

This adds circuit signals to the game that when blueprinted, provides an interface to quickly apply changes to all circuit conditions. Additionally, it will update named entities, such as train station names.

a month ago
Trains Logistic network Circuit network Blueprints

b Pasting train station with variable doesn't update name

30 days ago

I made blueprints with train station that have a variable in the name

After pasting it on an already built station the name is updated once, but not after I select the variable, so my station now has "[fluid=blueprint-variable-1-fluid] Drop" as the name, but the combinator that is in the blueprint correctly change signal

30 days ago

You'll have to deconstruct the train station and then paste again. The mod can't detect when you paste over an existing entity. It's a limitation with Factorio's mod API.

17 days ago

I see

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