I did not know the victory GUI style was one of the hardcoded C++ styling, nevermind then (Unless your hack works).
I think it took about 0.5 secs to generate the victory screen. I will give you performance stats next time I can, I can give you my save file too if you want.
To find items that are ores I would loop over game.get_filtered_entity_prototypes({{filter = "type", type = "resource"}})
and then just make sure each name corresponds to an item name to filter out fluid resources.
Also, remember you can add custom victory messages depending on spaceship or secret victory. I didn't see it in your screenshot :)
Yes I added some too, this is just the default message because I'm using /show-victory-screen
Thanks for all your changes, I don't think I'll have too much free time this week so this might be released mostly as-is as "Basic compatibility" and then I'll add some more interesting stats later, maybe rearrange categories, in another update.