Upon victory it shows various interesting game statistics, like the total amount of time you spent hand crafting and your peak power production. Can be added to an existing save.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 22.01.2025 Features: - Incorporated statistics into existing victory screen with new API. Changes: - Player specific statistics are only shown if only one player is connected during victory due to API limitations. - Removed command `/show-victory-screen` as it is no longer possible.
Version: 0.4.3 Date: 06.01.2025 Bugfixes: - Fixed load issue with Factorio 2.0.29.
Version: 0.4.2 Date: 24.10.2024 Changes: - Temporarily supressing the Better Victory Screen due to a conflict with the upcoming Galaxy of Fame. Statistics are still tracked.
Version: 0.4.1 Date: 21.10.2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed that victory would trigger erroneously on player death.
Version: 0.4.0 Date: 21.10.2024 Features: - Updated to Factorio 2.0.
Version: 0.3.1 Date: 29.05.2024 Internal: - No longer clear time spent on surface when surface is deleted.
Version: 0.3.0 Date: 27.05.2024 Internal: - Keep track of how long players spend on each surface. Changes: - Show total time spent on Luna when Lunar Landings is installed. Localization: - Update translations from Crowdin.
Version: 0.2.14 Date: 29.03.2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed regression that might cause victory to be triggered multiple times by removing a faulty migration script.
Version: 0.2.13 Date: 28.03.2024 Features: - Now shows "Distance jetpacked" in victory screen. (Was previously counted as "walking") Bugfixes: - Correctly handle rare case where mod disabling victory condition is removed (Thanks Nordblum!). Localization: - Update translations from Crowdin.
Version: 0.2.12 Date: 06.02.2024 Changes: - Slightly change formatting of distance numbers. - Change "Ores produced" to "Ores mined". Bugfixes: - Teleporting the player is no longer counted as walking distance. Acrued walking distances over 10000km is reset to zero in an attempt to fix bad statistics to something more reasonable.
Version: 0.2.11 Date: 05.02.2024 Features: - Now show 'Ores produced' in victory screen. Changes: - Change table style to more closely match vanilla (#3 by _CodeGreen) Compatibility: - Added soft compatibility with Satisfactorio. - Now compatible with the mod Ballistic Missile. Localization: - Update translations from Crowdin.
Version: 0.2.10 Date: 31.01.2024 Changes: - Statistics with tooltips now show the tooltip-info icon similar to vanilla. - Change formatting from Title Case to normal capitilization to more closely mimic vanilla. Compatibility: - Statistic entries can now define a custom statistic name to be displayed. - Statistic entries can now define a custom statistic tooltip to be displayed. - Statistic entries now need to explicitly define the existance of a tooltip. Localization: - Update translations from Crowdin.
Version: 0.2.9 Date: 28.01.2024 Compatibility: - Better compatibility with mods that add custom train stops. Changes: - Slightly change area formatting when the number is small. - Do not count trains on editor surfaces. - The command /show-victory-screen is now a start-up setting. Disabled by default. - (Internal) Harden gathering statistics from other mods even more.
Version: 0.2.8 Date: 15.01.2024 Compatibility: - Mods can now force the victory, even if it has been reached before. - Mods can now specify a custom victory message. This message can optionally be different for winners and losers. - Added soft compatibility for some specific mods. This allows you to add Better Victory Screen to playthroughs to track your statistics. However, until full compatibility is added by the other mod the vanilla screen will still be shown. This list currently includes: Space Exploration, Krastorio 2, SpaceMod, Pyanodons. Changes: - More consistent and safer formatting of numbers. Now with working unit tests. - Safer gathering of statistics from other mods by suppressing any crashes. - Add some Cargo Ships statistics. Bugfixes: - Always show Victory Screen to all players (even when in f.i. Editor Extensions lab).
Version: 0.2.7 Date: 11.01.2024 Bugfixes: - Fix that percentages would not have been shown correctly.
Version: 0.2.6 Date: 10.01.2024 Features: - Better compatibility with mods that add compatibility after BVS is added. BVS should now detect this automatically. - Added command `/reset-victory-condition` to reset a victory logged by BVS in case something goes wrong. This command can only be used by admins. - Added command `/is-victory-pending` to deterrmine if a victory condition is still pending, and what type of victory condition (vanilla or custom). Usable by all players and makes no changes. Changes: - Optimize Peak Power Production calculation.
Version: 0.2.5 Date: 08.01.2024 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when loading editor world, twice. (Thanks Keira!).
Version: 0.2.4 Date: 06.01.2024 Bugfixes: - Fix crash after load in certain situations (Thanks asfoitio!).
Version: 0.2.3 Date: 05.01.2024 Features: - Support the percentage unit type for statistics. Changes: - Provide list of forces GUI will be shown to remote interfaces while gathering statistics. - Added tracker module to pre-count entities before victory is reached. Bugfixes: - Prevent trigger victory when victory has been achieved before this mod was added. - Fixed furnaces-type entities not being part of the total machine count. - Fix crash after starting a multiplayer game (Thanks Maeximus!).
Version: 0.2.2 Date: 03.01.2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed so that achievements function just like in vanilla.
Version: 0.2.1 Date: 31.12.2023 Features: - All values now have the full untruncated value in the tooltip. Changes: - Storage Tanks are now taken into account for the total pipeline length. - Clear player cursor before showing the GUI. - Remove hard mod compatabilities. - Provide winning force to remote interfaces while gathering statistics. Bugfixes: - Fix area explored not being calculated correctly.
Version: 0.2.0 Date: 27.12.2023 Features: - Add support for other mods to add custom entries to the GUI. Bugfixes: - Fix Player Kills not being tracked properly. - Fix typo "Distance Drove" to "Distance Driver". (Thank SpeckledFleebeedoo!)
Version: 0.1.3 Date: 13.12.2023 Features: - Add Russian translation (#1 by Shadow_Man).
Version: 0.1.2 Date: 13.12.2023 Features: - Add new statistic "Total Enemy Kills" Changes: - (Internal) Add localization to all text so that it can be translated.
Version: 0.1.1 Date: 10.12.2023 Changes: - Added semi-transparent black backdrop to prevent other GUIs to be clickable, similar to the vanilla victory screen. Bugfixes: - Fix underground pipe approximate length calculation. - Fix inconsistent formatting for distances under 1000km.
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 06.12.2023 Features: - A better victory screen is displayed upon victory showing more interesting information.