Better Air Filtering

by JoeyDP

An overhaul of the air filtering mod by Schorty. Includes complex air filtering steps to remove pollution.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i [Feature] Setting for effectivness

4 years ago


I find air filtering to be overpowered. Could you add a setting to the mod to adjust how many times a single air filter can be used by the machine to adjust effectiveness?

4 years ago

Hey Evilness,
I understand your concern. Unfortunately what you propose is not trivial to implement into the mod. You can however edit the mod files and increase the 'break chance' of filters to achieve a similar result. If others support this suggestion, I may implement it as a setting in the mod.

4 years ago

How about adding a minimal amount of pollution in a chunk before the air filter can work on it?

New response