Better Air Filtering

by JoeyDP

An overhaul of the air filtering mod by Schorty. Includes complex air filtering steps to remove pollution.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [Resolved] Incompatibilities

4 years ago

With Bob's Greenhouse (possibly other Bob's) and Bio Industries. Conflict with the air filtering module.

4 years ago

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Could you tell me what exactly goes wrong when using the mods together? Maybe there's a simple fix for this issue.

4 years ago

Looks like it was a different mod. I had this one and Water Air Purifier installed. Either one works with Bob's and Bio, but they don't work with each other.

4 years ago

This is the error screenshot. I think the same name is used in multiple air purifying mods, and possibly Deadlock's Stacked Recipes is throwing the error? It's hard to tell which it is.

4 years ago

you can get rid of all of deadlock's mods from your build because they are all abandoned/deprecated now.

New response