Better Air Filtering

by JoeyDP

An overhaul of the air filtering mod by Schorty. Includes complex air filtering steps to remove pollution.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g [Question] What is the potential absortopn rate for the different tiers & filters?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I kinda wan to know these numbers before I try to know if it's even feasible. I've got a 2700 SPM factory that something like 200~k/m pollution.

Do speed modules affect absorption rate? What about productivity modules?
Assuming an infinite supply of pollution, what is the base pollution absorption rate per minute per tier & filter?

I'm mostly just curious about the numbers, but this info would also be helpful on the description page too.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Tier 1 -60/m
Tier 2 -240/m
Tier 3 -300/m
They do not have Module slots but I wish they could
The machine don't show Up in the pollution production Tab
Greate Mod :-)

4 years ago

Thank you both for the great feedback!

In version 0.1.1 you will find support for modules and pollution should now be listed in the correct statistics tab.

New response