
by therax

Route your belts freely underground.

1 year, 9 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g incompatability with miniloader and expressbus mods

1 year, 6 months ago

with either of them installed factorio freezes at 4% loading saying loading beltlayer and ram usage goes up to 5-11gb "it seems expressbus hovers around 5+gb while minloader goes straight too 90%+" 16gb ram installed.
last entry in the log is "2.175 Loading mod beltlayer 2.0.5 (data-updates.lua)"
cant find anything else in the log that might help
full mod list if its of use.
"base", "aai-containers", "aai-industry", "aai-signal-transmission", "AF-Infinite-Technology", "air-filtering", "alien-biomes", "archie-inf-tech",
"assembler-pipe-passthrough", "auto-research", "belt-balancer", "beltlayer", "beltSorter", "BigBags", "Bottleneck", "cargo-ships",
"cargo-ships-graphics", "concreep-refilled", "creative-mod", "dark-matter-replicators-18", "Electric Furnaces", "ElectricTrain", "Factorissimo2",
"FasterStart", "flib", "FluidMustFlow", "InfiniteTech", "Infinite_Buffer_Chest", "informatron", "jetpack", "Loader-Furnace", "LoaderRedux",
"LogisticTrainNetwork", "MF_Base", "mining-patch-planner", "MiningUPSGrade", "Mining_Drones", "Mobile_Factory", "Mobile_Factory_Graphics",
"Power Armor MK3", "power-combinator", "PoweredFloorALT", "powered_area", "Power_To_Liquid_updated", "railloader", "robot_attrition",
"shield-projector", "simhelper", "solar-calc", "Solar-Lamp", "SolarRatio", "SolarWalls", "space-exploration", -and dependency's
"SpaceLoaderRedux", "TarawindBeaconsRE", "UltimateBelts", "UltimateBeltsSmartFix", "Warehousing", "Waterfill_v17", "WideChests",
"WideChestsAllTypes", "WideChestsLogistic", "WipMod_TA-miners", "YARM",

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