
by therax

Route your belts freely underground.

1 year, 9 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Worng Consumptions In Belt Layer

4 years ago

Is this mod ever going to be upadted? The 3 months here and the 5 months on pipe layer make me wonder if this is a dead mod.

But if its not i have noticed a few "problems" when it comes to the amount of items it uses when im on the belt layer.

Normal Conveyors: Correct Consumption
Normal Underground Conveyers: Will consume 2 per placment
Normal Belt Spliter: Will consume 2 per placment if i have more than 1

Fast Belts: Will consume 2 per placment
Fast Splitters: Normal consumption but refuse to consume last of stack (infinite spliters)
Fast underground belts: Will consume 2 per placment and wont consume last of stack

I havent got to higher tiers but these so far have made me debate if i remove the mod at the cost of a entire re-design of my factory.

4 years ago

Hey there! The mod is very much alive. Surprisingly, no one had reported this problem before, but it should be fixed now.

New response