Adds a new form of artillery at the military science tech level, balanced to be weaker owing to its lower technical requirements, and with a touch of imagination, lower level of sophistication.
Includes a turret, a wagon, and a shell.
Basic artillery differs from traditional vanilla artillery in a few ways:
- Basic turrets and wagons take aim and fire at 1/4th the speed of the vanilla artillery
- Basic turrets and wagons have less range than vanilla artillery (0.8x by default, configurable)
- Basic shells are less accurate, having a spread of about 8 degrees and a distance variation of similar magnitude
- Basic shells do 1/4th the damage of vanilla ones
- Basic shells fly at about half the speed of vanilla ones
- Basic artillery has a marginally simpler recipe, swapping out red circuits for green and eschewing the use of radars and explosive tank shells
- Basic shells do not reveal the map while in flight (as they do not contain radars)
Basic turrets and wagons have a white striped colour scheme to be visually distinct from vanilla, as well as basic shells being silvery rather than coppery metal. These were made by modifying the vanilla textures in GIMP.
As such it'd be pretty ludicrous for me to claim any kind of ownership over the graphics - Wube seems to explicitly permit and even encourage this use case, but do bear in mind that while I don't really care about you doing what you want with the code I wrote, the textures are Wube's intellectual property that I'm using, hopefully with permission. They do not fall under the same MIT license that the rest of the mod does, and you shouldn't reuse them outside of Factorio's free modding community.
If I've done my job right you should have no desire to keep using the basic versions once you have access to better artillery from vanilla or from another mod, but they should all still work together - vanilla turrets will be able to shoot the inaccurate basic shells, and vice versa.
Other mods' artillery guns/shells should work too, but it hasn't been tested and I have no desire to spend the next 3 years of my life adding compatibility for "Skrunkly-Dunkles' Clown-Car Ar-silly-tillery" if it doesn't work out of the box.