it seems new accounts aren't permitted to use the feature unless they have been active in discussions.
Yes, some protection against users getting spammed with messages from newly created accounts. Your first post on the forum must be approved by a moderator, after that you can send private messages.
I was trying to put the portable engine in a car only to realize that the grid is to small for it, so I tried putting it in power armor upon placing it the error occurred.
OK, that was the clue! I completely forgot that other entities could have an equipment grid as well. There actually was a safeguard in version 1.1.14, but for some reason I've commented it out in the last version. As a quick fix, unpack the mod, uncomment the following lines (should be 1274-1278, function common_events.on_player_placed_equipment) in scripts/event_handlers.lua, and restart the game (so that the unpacked version of Autodrive will be used):
--~ -- Do nothing if the grid belongs to an entity that isn't a vehicle we control
--~ if not state then
--~ AD.entered_event({}, "leave", "we don't control "..AD.argprint(vehicle))
--~ return
--~ end
(Remove '--~' from the start of each line!)