
by Pi-C

Car equipment for train avoidance, logistic network integration, circuit network connectivity, fuel refill, ammo reload, vehicle repair, radio control, enemy targeting, and gate control.

5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Transportation Combat Logistic network Circuit network

b [Fixed?] Nullius - Cant craft the Vehicle Radio Control

9 months ago

Thought I posted this already but don't see the post.

48h into my Nullius run and just got my first car.

Nullius seems to have marked the vanilla iron plate as "Hidden" and implemented their own. See the screenshot, red circles around the Nullius iron plate and around the different looking iron plate (Hidden) in the Vehicle Radio Control recipe.

8 months ago

Should be fixed for the next version. Probably uploading this weekend.

8 months ago


8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Nullius Testing
- Autodrive remote is now HAND craftable
- However ALL of your equipments are hand craftable ONLY. Nullius "assemblers" are named "[Small|Medium|Large] assembler [1|2|3]" and they are 2/3/4 blocks in size respectively. Mediums are same 3x3 size as vanilla assemblers. Only small things can be made in small assemblers and they are half the speed of mediums. I think all of you stuff would make sense as Small Assembler 1 items.
- Autodriving car works
- Being able to truncate the bounce works good (saw that in change notes)
- The car barely dents the rocks... havent been able to smash a rock!

Found a crash though.. In the autodrive gui, Clicking on the camera button (between show on a map and "X" buttons):

The mod Autodrive (1.1.14) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event autodrive::on_gui_click (ID 1)
autodrive/libs/assertions.lua:221: Wrong argument! nil is not a valid entity!
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
autodrive/libs/assertions.lua:221: in function 'arg_err'
autodrive/libs/assertions.lua:296: in function 'assert'
autodrive/common.lua:286: in function 'loc_name'
autodrive/scripts/gui_stuff/gui_vehicles_camera.lua:482: in function 'update_camera'
autodrive/scripts/gui_stuff/gui_vehicles.lua:2108: in function 'on_gui_click'
autodrive/scripts/gui.lua:963: in function 'on_gui_click'
autodrive/scripts/event_handlers.lua:2345: in function <autodrive/scripts/event_handlers.lua:2341>

In my nullius game, I only had one vehicle, a Car.

8 months ago

Hi! Thanks for testing.

  • Autodrive remote is now HAND craftable
  • However ALL of your equipments are hand craftable ONLY. Nullius "assemblers" are named "[Small|Medium|Large] assembler [1|2|3]" and they are 2/3/4 blocks in size respectively. Mediums are same 3x3 size as vanilla assemblers. Only small things can be made in small assemblers and they are half the speed of mediums. I think all of you stuff would make sense as Small Assembler 1 items.

OK, looks like I'll need to change the recipe category. Each recipe prototype is defined with one category. Assemblers have the property crafting_categories, which is an array of category names. An assembler can only craft a given recipe if assembler.crafting_categories contains recipe.category.

In Nullius, you have 3 tiers of small assemblers ("nullius-small-assembler-x", where 'x' is the tier), 3 tiers of medium assemblers ("nullius-medium-assembler-x"), and 2 tiers of large assemblers ("nullius-large-assembler-x"), and they all support different categories:

  • Small: "tiny-crafting", "small-crafting", "medium-crafting"
  • Medium: "small-crafting", "medium-crafting", "large-crafting"
  • Large: "medium-crafting", "large-crafting", "huge-crafting"

They also support categories named "x-assembling" instead of "x-crafting". I'm not sure yet whether I should go with "crafting" or with "assembling" -- guess I'll ask anachrony (the author of Nullius).

Regarding size, I think it would make sense if my recipes would use "small-x", so that they can be crafted in small and medium assemblers. (That's just my gut feeling telling me that you'll hardly use small assemblers in the later game -- but I haven't played Factorio in years, and Nullius didn't even exist at that time, so I may be wrong.)

  • Autodriving car works


  • Being able to truncate the bounce works good (saw that in change notes)

Did you check out the hotkeys as well, or just the normal keys for accelerating/braking and left/right?

  • The car barely dents the rocks... havent been able to smash a rock!

I guess that's because the car has so little weight. Using a tank or vehicles from other mods will show different results.

Found a crash though.. In the autodrive gui, Clicking on the camera button (between show on a map and "X" buttons):

Interesting, I'll look into that later on. Do you have a saved game for reproducing the crash?

7 months ago

Please try version 1.1.15! This should fix both bugs: that the radio control could only be handcrafted, and the crash when clicking on the camera button.

New response