
by Pi-C

Car equipment for train avoidance, logistic network integration, circuit network connectivity, fuel refill, ammo reload, vehicle repair, radio control, enemy targeting, and gate control.

5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Transportation Combat Logistic network Circuit network

g [Fixed] Can't link shortwave radio to vehicle

1 year, 2 months ago

Love the mod but I can't seem to get the shortwave radio to connect to a vehicle. I've tried selecting both at once with the remote control and no channel appears in yellow on the vehicle. I have tried to manually set the channel on the vehicle by typing in a yellow displayed name but it does not interact with the shortwave radio. The grid item is in the vehicle grid and reads powered. I have tried this with the bare minimum mods and still nothing. What am I doing wrong?

1 year, 2 months ago

Thanks for the report! Looks like I've made some mistakes in the big code overhaul for version 1.1.3: The selection tool doesn't filter for the correct radio entity (so vehicle and radio never were connected) and I forgot to update some variable names, so tests would fail and the code for checking radio signals was never run. I'm working on fixing this! :-)

1 year, 2 months ago

Please try version 1.1.8!

1 year, 2 months ago

Awesome! Just tested it and functional! Thank you for your work.

1 year, 2 months ago

Glad you like it! As you're using the circuit sensor, I'd appreciate your feedback. Some issues I've noticed while working on the sensor:

  • Currently, you can control only one vehicle per channel. Sometimes it would be nice to control a group of vehicles, where you have a group leader and the common group members. I've thought of letting all vehicles in a group receive signals and allow only the leader to receive and transmit. Vehicles transmit their current position and the time of their last arrival/departure. If multiple vehicles would send out these signals, their values would be added and the result would be completely useless. But if only the leader would transmit, you wouldn't get any information about the other vehicles. Not sure how to proceed, do you have a suggestion?

  • It would seem natural to set logistic requests/provides via the circuit network if a vehicle has both a circuit network and a logistic sensor. Sending out position and time signals is OK because they are only meant to be read. When receiving data, vehicles currently filter out the signals they've sent themselves and only process (but don't transmit) the remainder, so there's no danger of tainting the data. But if we were to send signals for requested/provided items as well, we have to deal with the problem of a feedback loop.

1 year, 1 month ago

Oh I do love your mod. Sorry to take so long to reply. Been busy IRL. I don't really know how to code. I just copy file architecture and script, altering what I'm changing till it works, when I mod stuff. A little bit of copying the recipe of someone who has done something similar to what I'm trying to do. Mostly just looking at code patterns waiting for it to make sense. Some modders are really funny in their notes.

Maybe a leader sensor to designate a lead vehicle that is tied to a radio route and the others are set to follow that leader in various formation options. And/or a follower sensor that designates a follower and maybe a particular formation pattern? The follow vehicle designated to the leader require the same channel to follow so it would make squads or platoons. I don't know the limitations for coding something like that.

Maybe a filled inventory sensor for logistics that transmits or a settable transmit sensor for distinction of ammo, repair stuff, or other various cargo. Like a give it options and see what all the users figure out what they can get it to do. It could be like a separate channel projected from the vehicle the sensor is in. Just tied to the vehicle inventory for figuring signal or turn the vehicle inventory to a logistics chest somehow. Just spitballing ideas here.

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