
by Pi-C

Car equipment for train avoidance, logistic network integration, circuit network connectivity, fuel refill, ammo reload, vehicle repair, radio control, enemy targeting, and gate control.

5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Transportation Combat Logistic network Circuit network

b [Fixed?] 1.1.3- Error when driving into biter

2 years ago

I just got this error: on autodrive 1.1.3:

Error while running event autodrive::on_entity_died (ID 4)
autodrive/scripts/vehicle_functions.lua:472: attempt to index field 'circuit' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
autodrive/scripts/vehicle_functions.lua:472: in function 'remove_vehicle'
autodrive/scripts/event_handlers.lua:997: in function <autodrive/scripts/event_handlers.lua:983>

Might be because of the mods I have installed. Do you need a savegame?

2 years ago

Thanks, I've already fixed that for the next version. However, I'm not at home now, so I can't update right away. As a temporary solution, please add the Shortwave mod. If it is active, the circuit network sensor will be created, the sensors table will contain the field "circuits", and the game will proceed normally.

2 years ago

I installed the Shortwave mod. Died again in my car, and same crash error occurred. Let me know if you need a save file or more info.

2 years ago

That's weird! A saved game would be nice to figure out what's really going wrong.

2 years ago

I'm asked to create an account there, isn't there a way to download the file without logging in?

2 years ago

I apologize, I thought I updated those permissions. Now you shouldn't need to create an account. Try again.

2 years ago

Update on this error; this exact crash error also consistently occurs anytime any vehicle (including the vanilla car and modded vehicles) has at anytime in the past been "selected" by the autodrive remote, and then that vehicle either gets destroyed or mined. So, even if the vehicle is no longer actively selected by the remote, but gets destroyed or mined, this exact crash error occurs. I hope that helps. Let me know if you want more details or are still having problems accessing my save file.

2 years ago

Thanks, I've successfully downloaded the saved game!

Update on this error; this exact crash error also consistently occurs anytime any vehicle (including the vanilla car and modded vehicles) has at anytime in the past been "selected" by the autodrive remote, and then that vehicle either gets destroyed or mined. So, even if the vehicle is no longer actively selected by the remote, but gets destroyed or mined, this exact crash error occurs.

That's to be expected, because the same function is called for on_entity_died, on_robot_mined_entity, on_player_mined_entity, and script_raised_destroy. I've fixed this crash now. However, I can't upload yet because somehow I've managed to introduce a new bug which makes the mod useless. When you select a destination, the vehicles get stuck in a loop where they continuously try to repath without ever moving. I hope you'll understand that I can't release the version with the fix for your bug yet. :-D

2 years ago

Should be fixed in version 1.1.4.

New response