
by Pi-C

Car equipment for train avoidance, logistic network integration, circuit network connectivity, fuel refill, ammo reload, vehicle repair, radio control, enemy targeting, and gate control.

2 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Transportation Combat Logistic network Circuit network

b v1.1 Compatibility

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I see you're working on updating your mods and assume you just haven't gotten this far or it requires more work to do it properly. Got any quick fixes just to at least get the game working for existing saves? Naturally the ones you haven't gotten to yet are the ones I use the most. (This and Car Keys...Car Keys seems to be working with the edit the info.json trick, but I probably haven't put it through all it's paces yet. I tried it on Autodrive too but if I remember correctly it was still having issues with the new gui code; a problem several mods I've installed are having including the Markers mod you recommended to get coordinates with if you feel up to taking a crack at it since it seems to have been abandoned. I can do very minor tweaks and I've been looking at it, but I'm just not a real Lua programmer to be able to actually fix it.)


4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I see you're working on updating your mods and assume you just haven't gotten this far or it requires more work to do it properly.

I'm working on Bio Industries right now, which is a beast and has such a big user base that way too many people are annoyed by it still not being updated. So getting that done is my top priority now.

Got any quick fixes just to at least get the game working for existing saves? Naturally the ones you haven't gotten to yet are the ones I use the most.

Sorry to hear that -- but glad you like AD and GCKI that much! :-)

(This and Car Keys...Car Keys seems to be working with the edit the info.json trick, but I probably haven't put it through all it's paces yet. I tried it on Autodrive too but if I remember correctly it was still having issues with the new gui code; a problem several mods I've installed are having including the Markers mod you recommended to get coordinates with if you feel up to taking a crack at it since it seems to have been abandoned. I can do very minor tweaks and I've been looking at it, but I'm just not a real Lua programmer to be able to actually fix it.)

Just uploaded GCKI as it was so easy to do -- like you, I only bumped the version number, but also like you, I only did some minimum testing, so there still may be bugs lurking in the dark.

Autodrive will take some more time. I couldn't get it to load yet because Shortwave hasn't been updated yet. Dorfl seems to be MIA, and fixing it isn't done with the version number update. There was one error on loading (collision mask error), and there may or may not be more. I'm in a hurry right now, so no time to follow up on that until later.

About the Markers mod: I've already got that running locally because I needed it while I was updating/testing the other mods. Apart from changing the version number, you need to change the first line of control.lua to the following:

-- As of Factorio 1.1.0, mod-gui.lua doesn't set the global variable mod_gui anymore!
-- require("mod-gui")
local mod_gui = require("mod-gui")

This should work.

4 years ago

… a problem several mods I've installed are having including the Markers mod you recommended to get coordinates with if you feel up to taking a crack at it since it seems to have been abandoned.

I've made a new thread there where I explained how to get the Markers mod working. More or less the same as above -- but right there where it can be seen, not hidden away in a footnote on another mod's discussion boards. :-)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for the others and try that change for Markers. (That may actually solve a couple of the other mods I'm having issues with too.)

(...or not. Got one more off the list though. I also just looked at Shortwave as I didn't remember having any issues with updating that one but it turns out I did have that same issue, but it seems to be sort of working with what I did to fix it. You're clearly better at this, but if it helps save some time for you in Shortwave's data.lua, line 126, remove "layer-11" so it reads collision_mask = {}. I can't seem to connect any circuit wires to it now though so clearly something else needs to be adjusted or I need to find the right value to replace "layer-11". That said, previously placed units with circuits already attached do seem to be working.)

4 years ago

I don't know what else may be broken, but as a purely get the game working fix and in case it helps you at all, in addition to the info.json fix...


Line 126 - Change "gates" to "gate"


Line 1 Change to

local mod_gui = require("mod-gui")

Line 935 = {
parameters = parameters


4 years ago

Thanks. I think I've already fixed everything but line 935. However, there was that strange bug with GCKI that messed up the locked status of vehicles. Still testing mod compatibility (while I cleaned up the code in GCKI, some bugs crept in).

4 years ago

I've updated "Markers" about a week ago (wasn't collaboratoring there when I explained how to update the mod). The new version of GCKI is also done now -- I'm just waiting for Factorio 1.1.6 to drop before I'll release it. However, Autodrive still has some problems. Logistics don't seem to work yet with Factorio 1.1. Also, I'm not sure about line 935 as I've avoided to work on the shortwave stuff so far. Passing on an empty table may fix the crash, but may have other consequences. So it probably will take a while longer until I can update Autodrive.

4 years ago

Yeah, I figured it might cause an issue somewhere else, but as you said, it fixed the crash and at least allowed me to continue my saves. I'm not enough of a lua programmer to start with but there is so much code in it I didn't know where to even start with actually fixing it correctly. I also figured there was some delay because of Shortwave not being updated yet.

Thanks for the status update and I'll keep an eye out for the mod updates when 1.1.6 comes out.

4 years ago

I've updated GCKI now, seems to work again. :-)

3 years ago

Is this still being worked on? I managed to get it working with another mod Shortwave_fix, but I can't figure out how to get the logistics drones to actually deliver to vehicles. Any thoughts?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Sorry for the long delay. I'm actually looking forward to getting to work on this again (currently I'm restructuring the inner workings of GCKI), but RL keeps me quite busy as well right now…

3 years ago

Happy screams AU-TO--DRIIIIVE!
Force calms down - Ahem Looking forward to this getting some love and waking it from its slumber for the Autodrive fanclub.

3 years ago

any updates? is it working?

2 years ago

Would love to see this working in v1.1. For what it's worth there has been a fork of Shortwave for 1.1 (

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Sorry it has taken me so long! While working on GCKI yesterday, I've noticed that my WIP version of Autodrive was already working. So I've just released a hotfix: very few changes (and there will be none for quite a while), but the mod is working again. Have a lot of fun with it! :-)

2 years ago


New response