
by Pi-C

Car equipment for train avoidance, logistic network integration, circuit network connectivity, fuel refill, ammo reload, vehicle repair, radio control, enemy targeting, and gate control.

5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Transportation Combat Logistic network Circuit network

i [Solution: map view] wishlist: change path while underway

4 years ago

G'day. Using the remote control planner I found myself trying to "change destination" of the current vehicle while we were already travelling.

This seemed to do nothing. I'd rather like to be able to travel continuously by updating the target to a newly visible part of the map, when, eg, I'm exploring or something.

My expected behaviour is that the vehicle will repath as quickly as reasonable to the new target. If that needs to slow, stop, turn, etc, then I'd expect that. Basically, I'd like it to repath on click regardless of being on a current path.

4 years ago

My expected behaviour is that the vehicle will repath as quickly as reasonable to the new target. If that needs to slow, stop, turn, etc, then I'd expect that. Basically, I'd like it to repath on click regardless of being on a current path.

Hi! I agree, it's not optimal that you can't give different directions while driving, but having such a feature may not be much better. As you said, you'd like to repath! Pathing can take a while, especially if the new location is far away (think of selecting a new location in map mode) or hard to reach (because the vehicle can't find a path through your walls or a factory block). In order to calculate a path, the vehicle needs to be in a fixed position, so it would have to stop first, calculate a path to the new position, and then go there. It could happen that you'll sit there waiting for a while before the vehicle starts to move again. This would be really bad if you didn't want to change the destination at all, but accidentally clicked somewhere with the remote control.

I'm not sure this really would work as good as it seems. By the way, there already is a way to stop a vehicle: the GUI contains a stop button. Perhaps defining a hot-key for "Stop" would be an option? Pro: You don't have to move the mouse over to the GUI, so it may be faster. Contra: One more hot key competing with combinations from other mods. :-)

1 year, 10 months ago

I'd rather like to be able to travel continuously by updating the target to a newly visible part of the map, when, eg, I'm exploring or something.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to implement this in normal view due to technical limitations of the game. Selection tools like the remote control select a rectangular area, but are not meant to register clicks. The way I work around that is that I define areas with a size of up to 0.2 * 0.2 square tiles as a click (and try to path to the click position). Selecting a bigger area will be interpreted as an attempt to select vehicles.

Now, when you're driving, you are in motion at the moment you click and release the mouse button, so the selected area won't be within the limits allowed for clicks and your click will be interpreted as looking for vehicles in a tiny area.

But there are good news: You can click and repath to a new position while driving if you change to map view! While not an ideal solution, I think it is a good compromise that will work in most situations.

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