Nuclear Science

Adds nuclear science as Nauvis's science pack.

a month ago

i Science Pack Recipe

3 months ago

I'm not sure if I'm gonna use the mod, but I thought it was pretty interesting and it got me thinking...

So, I guess you added the Green Circuit because its green... while Solid Fuel is a nice addition, we already consume a lot with rocket fuel, so I don't think is nice

If we are thinking about Nauvis exclusivity, there is one thing: Wood (and its green), so I thinking a recipe with Wood + Uranium-238 + Uranium-235 would be more appropriate, you not only avoid other production chains, but use wood that is very underused... and with the Agricultural Tower in Nauvis you can produce wood + remove some pollution... plus, even without Gleba, you still get a lot of wood in Nauvis that can most likely supply the early/mid game needs.

3 months ago

+1 for wood... Maybe 2x Wood, 1x Water Barrel, 1x U-235 gives 2x Nuclear Science?

3 months ago

Didn't thought of water, and there is some green water too hehe

I would go with something like this:

100 Water + 10 Wood + 1 U-235 = 1 Nuclear Science Pack

3 months ago

Thank you for the feedback and suggestions. They are always welcome.

Things being green wasn't a criterion for selecting ingredients for the nuclear science pack -- electronic circuits being green is just a happy coincidence.

Ingredients have to be available on Nauvis and craftable before chemical science (but after sulfur processing), to match the availability of trigger technology chain. Ideally, they shouldn't be ingredients in other science packs.

Solid fuel is something a player will be automating for rocket fuel (and potentially for steam power on Nauvis), it's about the right complexity and sits at a good place on the tech tree. I considered sulfur or sulfuric acid, however, uranium-235 already requires sulfur/acid in its production chain to mine it, so I opted for solid fuel.

Electronic circuits were picked because I needed something else to pad out the recipe. That could definitely be changed.

I like the idea of water barrels. Water is more available on Nauvis than elsewhere, the barrelling recipes don't get much love and the centrifuge can't take fluid ingredients.

Concrete is also a possibility, considering it is necessary to make the centrifuge it feels appropriate as an ingredient. (Thinking about this, I have just realized that when starting on Nauvis, I need to add the concrete technology as a prerequisite to uranium processing -- when starting elsewhere, this is handled by planet discovery Nauvis. I'll push an update to fix this soon.)

Wood doesn't feel like it fits as part of nuclear research. Also, it can't be automated before Gleba. Requiring Gleba technology in order to automate Nauvis' science pack isn't something I want to impose.

Please let me know your thoughts on water barrels or concrete as an ingredient.

3 months ago

I'll +1 for water barrels, I think that'd be fun. Maybe also give the barrels back to make the logistics a little more interesting. (you might've already been thinking to do this but thought I'd mention it just in case)

3 months ago

Yeah... Water Barrels is very different and proper.. +1 to that

Concrete is also a nice idea.

3 months ago

I think steam is a more interesting idea for the science pack than water barrels. It requires turning fuel into steam only a short distance away to avoid needing pumps, and while using boilers for that purpose is simple, it consumes a lot of fuel, so the obvious solution is to generate that steam through nuclear power instead. That creates its own issues, that you'll either need to build a nuclear reactor just for science, or you'll need to keep your nuclear science close to your nuclear power plant.

I also think the science pack should require wood, creating an purpose for agricultural towers on Nauvis that isn't just decorative. This would also solve Space Age's problem of factories not needing as much space on Nauvis as they do in vanilla. Clearing land for the purpose of growing trees will naturally cause more conflicts with biters.

I've created a pull request implementing my suggested changes, and the resulting science factory looks very interesting to me.

3 months ago

on @MeteorSwarm suggestion, if pure wood doesn't look proper, there is always the "Small Electric Pole" (2 Copper Cable + 1 Wood = 2 Small Electric Pole) and its related to "Energy", his suggested name for the science pack.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Water barrels + concrete is a lot of steel/iron, especially if you eat the barrels. But I do like it thematically.

Also, [wood] can't be automated before Gleba.

Allowing the farm to be unlocked with the first piece of wood harvested isn't going to impact the gleba experience. (tree seeding would be changed to require nauvis science)

Small Electric Pole sounds like a nice idea. It's effectively a nauvis item, and it does have to do with power

3 months ago

I like the idea of water barrels. Water is more available on Nauvis than elsewhere, the barrelling recipes don't get much love and the centrifuge can't take fluid ingredients.

Adding fluid input to the centrifuge is really easy. Making it use steam with a fluid input is good I think, for the reasons MeteorSwarm lays out.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Adding fluid input to the centrifuge is really easy. Making it use steam with a fluid input is good I think, for the reasons MeteorSwarm lays out.

Adding fluid input to the centrifuge is really easy. But unless that fluid input is facing south, it looks terrible. That would be solvable if I was an artist, but I'm not.

I suspect this is the reason Plutonium Energy, which involves liquids in its plutonium chain, uses chemical plants for its liquids handling when a centrifuge would be a more natural fit.

Version 0.2.0 settled on water barrels and concrete, though that is still subject to change if better ideas come along.

3 months ago

But unless that fluid input is facing south, it looks terrible.

I don't come here for the amazing graphics

3 months ago

Hi, I think recipe should not use U-235, but U-238. There is no good way to get enough of U-235 before unlocking kovarex. This is especially problem in more expensive runs.

3 months ago

or what if the recipe would need both 1x u235 and 19x u238 and would result in 20 science packs?

3 months ago

This seems resonable. I like the idea using both of them.

3 months ago

Sadly I had to remove this mod from my current game. I see no way to get 10k of U-235 just to unlock kovarex. I have 10x cost of sciences. For all other science packs it's easy to scale up production to meet demand, but it's not possible for U-235 before kovarex.

3 months ago

Definitely agree on Kovarex being too expensive, since it's basically required to produce nuclear science at scale. I think this mod should convert it to a trigger tech that automatically unlocks after you get 100 U235, or at least include an option to reduce the cost.

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