Amator Phasma's Recycling

This is a simple modification that adds up to two by-products to the intermediate products: scrap metal with a probability of 10% for one or 5% for two scrap metal types. This scrap metal can be collected and later processed in a recycler and then smelted into plates again. It's very simple, but it adds a small layer of complexity to your transport-belt layout. In the early game you can easily solve this with splitters or filter-inserters. Later in high-production areas, you have a dedicated transport-belt.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18
This mod 5 From other mods 19
Dependency types:
Default 5 Required 3 Conflict 0 Optional 2 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 112
base >= 0.18.26 -
apm_resource_pack >= 0.19.02 32
apm_lib >= 0.19.50 34
apm_power >= 0.19.50 22
apm_nuclear >= 0.19.50 24
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v0.19.50)