Amator Phasma's Coal & Steam

This mod revisits the early game of Factorio and pushes the electrification a bit further back by extending the Burner-Stage and inserting a new stage: Steam-Stage (buildings will be powered by steam). The production lines of this mod focus on fuel production, but it also comes with a few new intermediates and a new science package. It does not change the standard Techtree too much, the majority of the related tech for this mod comes before the vanilla techtree even begins. The vanilla techtree and most of the other mods content are locked behind a new technology called "Electrification" which can be called the goal of this modification.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Recipes for Bio Industries

4 years ago

A few patches ago a situation was this: sawdust from Bio were converted directly into wood briqette. Now this work into many recipes. Energy effiency - already secondary. Primary - no critical excess for sawdust.
Question: Would there still be changes in that area? As example [Sawdust->Wood Pellts].

Was: [Sawdust->Wood Briqette(AP)].

Now: [Sawdust->Resin], [Sawdust+Resin->Wood], [Wood->Wood Pellts], [Wood Pellts->Wood Briqette(AP)] or [Sawdust->Wood Briqette(BI)].

4 years ago

Thanks for the report!

This was the new Bio Industries update, I will patch my mods, but this have to wait until weekend sorry, to much real life stuff the next days on my side.

I think the update should come on saturday evening.

4 years ago

Any word on this? Really love this mod and would love to see compatability here.

New response