Amator Phasma's Coal & Steam

This mod revisits the early game of Factorio and pushes the electrification a bit further back by extending the Burner-Stage and inserting a new stage: Steam-Stage (buildings will be powered by steam). The production lines of this mod focus on fuel production, but it also comes with a few new intermediates and a new science package. It does not change the standard Techtree too much, the majority of the related tech for this mod comes before the vanilla techtree even begins. The vanilla techtree and most of the other mods content are locked behind a new technology called "Electrification" which can be called the goal of this modification.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b Incompatibility With MSI

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Great mod! I like the complexity it adds to early game! However I'd love for it to be compatible with MSI. The only way to research science labs is by putting red science into the ships crashed science lab and I can't put your science packs in there. Essentially, I can't go any further without being able to produce red science or being able to put the new science packs in there. =( Edit: Temporary fix: using the console command /c["automation-science-pack"].enabled=true I can access the red science again. I'll see how that works for a playthrough. I also have to use a mod to change the science pack recipe back to the original.

5 years ago


I will look into this on friday evening.

5 years ago

Thanks very much, that's amazing! =) I did think after that a better workaround would be /c["science-lab"].enabled=true if that's the one for science labs, then your science packs can be used as normal. That will probably allow for the rest of the needed research to be accessed.

5 years ago


a bit earlier as expected:

basic compatibillity should now provided by version 0.17.90 (Amator Phasma's Coal & Steam) and also version 0.17.47 (Amator Phasma's Nuclear).

5 years ago

That's brilliant, thank you very much! =)

5 years ago

If you discover any further issues in the later progress, please report them here.

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