Alien Loot Economy

Biters now drop alien ore, which can be smelted into alien metal, which is the ingredient for alien items that are better than their vanilla counterparts. Also introduces Hyper-Modules which level up after killing a lot of Biters. The mod is compatible with Bobs Enemies, Rampant and Natural Evolution Enemies.

2 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

b Hyper module deleted out of electric furnace

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Hyper module gets deleted out of electric furnace on [some unknown trigger event] or reload of save.
placing hyper module in empty electric furnace is permitted. if the furnace is currently smelting alien ore, it says "productivity modules are only usable on intermediate products"...this is likely why the modules are getting deleted (on resume of save i believe) or on a script-refresh that i'm unaware of.

iron ore, copper ore, etc have not been tested so furnaces smelting those items may be fine, but if the furnace is smelting alien ore, the modules eventually get deleted/lost.

6 years ago

i am sorry i dont observe this behavior, maybe some other mod that interferes with alien loot economy. To find out disable all other mods and try to reproduce the issue.

6 years ago

I had that issue once, but after I changed up some of my mods I didn't see it happen again.

6 years ago

do you remember which mod was causing it for you DTSephiroth?

6 years ago

traced to bob's modules in my playthrough.

6 years ago

Not really, I was never able to trace down the culprit.