Alien Loot Economy

Biters now drop alien ore, which can be smelted into alien metal, which is the ingredient for alien items that are better than their vanilla counterparts. Also introduces Hyper-Modules which level up after killing a lot of Biters. The mod is compatible with Bobs Enemies, Rampant and Natural Evolution Enemies.

a month ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Hyper Level 29

5 years ago

Level 28 - 28%
Level 29 - 28%
Level 30 - 30%
Looks like a small typo happened in the configs. 29 should be 29% I'm guessing, lol.

5 years ago

I dont see any text like that in game. Can you provide a screenshot?

5 years ago

Level 28 -
Level 29 -
Level 30 -

My module level is 29 and they also only have 28% speed, energy cost, and productivity.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

that is really peculiar because the items are generated by code and thus there can be no typos

for i = 1, 100, 1 do
type = "module",
name = "alien-hyper-module-" .. i,
icon = "alien-module/graphics/alien-hyper-module-1.png",
icon_size = 32,
flags = { "goes-to-main-inventory" },
subgroup = "alien-hyper-module",
category = "alien-module",
tier = i,
order = "a-" .. i,
stack_size = 50,
effect =
consumption = { bonus = 0.01 * i },
speed = { bonus = 0.01 * i },
productivity = { bonus = 0.01 * i }

5 years ago

That does make it really weird. Wonder why mine did that then.

5 years ago

It might be a floating point rounding error. Try i/100 instead of 0.01*i.

5 years ago

That does not change the value being 28%. i also noticed the same happening with module level 57 and 58.

5 years ago

Good hint with the floating point issue, but is suspect it was actually inside Factorios code, when i say bonus = 0.01001 * i the percentages are correct, i think internally factorio sas bonus = round to two decimals by just math.floor the value, so 0.28 gets rounded to 0.28 and 0.28999999999999999999 to 0.28 as well