Adamo Accessories

by ElAdamo

Oh, you'd be surprised at the things you can learn while you're doing alterations.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.0

b [Fixed] Crashes on loading existing map

4 years ago

Due to 'on configuration change' event to handle logistic slots (which no longer exist as a configurable value)

4 years ago

Nuts, sorry... work has been so busy that I haven't had time to keep up my mods with new updates. Will get to it when I can.

4 years ago

Just rip out all references to logistic slots. Worked fine for me.

3 years ago

Fixed now. Since they removed the bonus, I may have to invest in a more-complicated code for handling bonuses. There was an event the API lacked to be able to properly keep track of bonuses using just events alone last time I checked, but it may well have changed. For now I left the items in place since I still plan to reimplement that feature.

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