Actual Craft Times Remade deprecated

by Pawz

I've always had a hard time figuring out how many of this or that is needed to get Y, so here's a mod to help us all out! Taking into account the bonuses applied to the various things that can get bonuses, this mod will you show you exactly how fast your assemblers could be crafting!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Suggestion on Ingredient/Product Names, Belt speed

5 years ago

I am the author of Schall Machine Scaling.
Firstly, I want to thank you for making this mod! This mod provides a cleaner and direct GUI, together with speed and productivity effects from modules and beacons considered, which are nice improvements over your "parent" mod!
Even better, this mod provides correct production values to my "scaled" machines, which comes extremely useful to my gameplay!

Now I want to come up to some suggestions:
1. Hope there would be some indicator (colour or number) related to number of belts would be used. I am not a user of inserters, but using loaders (which has same speed as belts) to load/unload items from machines. So it is okay (actually good) to omit the inserter values. But still it would be good if "number of belts" calculation can be shown too. Instead of the "traditional" way of saying "2 express belts are needed" for a certain ingredient, it may be sufficient to use a "colour code" on the ingredient input values. For example, "electronic circuit 60/s" is about 1.33 express belts, hence display the number "60/s" in a yellow colour. You may also choose to show the "1.33 express belts" information when highlighting/hovering over it (LuaGuiElement::caption), so not cluttering the currently "nicely clean" GUI. Lower rates, like "advanced circuit 15/s" is about 0.33 express belts, will keep the current white colour in text. Such yellow colour for "above 1 belt"will make players aware of that, and they will highlight and view the exact number of belts required.
2. If point 1 is accepted, there can be an option in "Per player" setting to let players to choose which belt they want to take as reference. So players using fast belts or modded belts can still benefit from this feature! A minor note here, please read the belt speed from prototype, instead of hardcoded values like 45/s on belt speed, because some mods (including my Schall Belt Configuration) allows players to adjust vanilla belt speed.
3. The ingredient names (in English) can be quite long on the GUI. My suggestion is to move the text into the highlight/hover (LuaGuiElement::caption). Can make the GUI more compact and concise looking!

These are not urgent requests, so please consider to implement when you have time.
Thanks again for the improvements made. Happy modding!


5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Schall.
I do want to implement a belt-indicator - some way to set the multiplier and see at a glance how many belts / what kind you need to supply that many machines. I'll have a play with the caption element too.