AAI Programmable Vehicles

Makes vehicles act like RTS units. Control them using a remote control handset, or program them with circuit conditions and zones. Can be used for base enemy base assault, patrols, friendly base navigation, vehicle-based mining, and more advanced applications. Works with vanilla and modded vehicles. Visit the mod portal page for a full feature list or the forums for tutorials.

4 months ago
0.14 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Circuit network

g Error loading mods

5 years ago

Failed to load mods: aai-programmable-vehicles/data-updates.lua:2:...grammable-vehicles__/prototypes/entity/entity-update.lua:100:bad argument #1 to 'insert' (table expected, got nil) stack traceback:
[C]:in funtion 'insert'
...grammable-vehicles__/prototypes/entity/entity-update.lua:100:in function 'make_composite_unit_from_vehicle'
...grammable-vehicles__/prototypes/entity/entity-update.lua:264:in main chun
[C]:in function 'require'
aai-programmable-vehicles/data-updates.lua:2:in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]:in function 'require'
aai-programmable-vehicles/data-updates.lua:2:in main chunk

Mods to be disabled:

5 years ago


It seems that the AAI mods load fine on their own, but for whatever reason when they get loaded after some other mods (I suspect the bobsmods suite, since that's the only mod I have modifying vehicles at the moment) any empty .flags property gets removed altogether (i.e. set to nil).

Locally I've just added the obvious hack of if not solid.flags then solid.flags = {} end just before entity-update.lua:100, and thingsseem to be stable at the moment. I believe there are also a few stray "goes-to-quickbar" and "goes-to-main-inventory" flags on some of the item prototypes, mainly in some of the individual vehicle mods. I just had a quick find/replace search remove those from all the files for me so I'm not sure which files exactly anymore.

5 years ago

inserting the single line seems to have fixed the load error. There are probably stray lines, but they don't seem to be interfering at least with game launch.

5 years ago

Thanks, this will be fixed in the next update.