AAI Programmable Vehicles

Makes vehicles act like RTS units. Control them using a remote control handset, or program them with circuit conditions and zones. Can be used for base enemy base assault, patrols, friendly base navigation, vehicle-based mining, and more advanced applications. Works with vanilla and modded vehicles. Visit the mod portal page for a full feature list or the forums for tutorials.

4 months ago
0.14 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Circuit network

b error when toggle AI while in vehicle

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

hey thanks for this great mod
here is a errorlog, maybe it helps you to fix this bug
crash when toggle AI while in vehicle...
tested it on a new map with only this three mods active:
AAI Programmable Vehicles
AAI Signals
AAI Vehicles: Miner
it happens with every vehicle

Error MainLoop.cpp:1035: Exception at tick 2234: Error while running event aai-programmable-vehicles::on_tick (ID 0)
Error while running event aai-programmable-vehicles::on_player_driving_changed_state (ID 26)
LuaPlayer doesn't contain key player.
stack traceback:
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:4639: in function 'unit_on_player_enter_vehicle'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:4807: in function <aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:4802>
[C]: in function 'set_passenger'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:1420: in function 'unit_update_mode'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:4696: in function 'unit_tick'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:4734: in function <aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:4704>
stack traceback:
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:1420: in function 'unit_update_mode'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:4696: in function 'unit_tick'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:4734: in function <aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:4704