AAI Programmable Vehicles

Makes vehicles act like RTS units. Control them using a remote control handset, or program them with circuit conditions and zones. Can be used for base enemy base assault, patrols, friendly base navigation, vehicle-based mining, and more advanced applications. Works with vanilla and modded vehicles. Visit the mod portal page for a full feature list or the forums for tutorials.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Circuit network

i Update dependencies.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Just spent a long time trying to figure out where the hell the unit remote control for vehicles is. Mod page here says no dependencies (literally, "base"), forum page lists a bunch of the AAI submods that I didn't have installed as dependencies.

Which is it? How the hell do I actually control the vehicles? I'm not looking to automate hauling I just want to control a bunch of laser tanks.

EDIT: Just found out from the in-game mod panel that AAI Signals is a necessary dependency. Consider updating the mod page.

6 years ago

AAI Signals is optional, not a requirement.
Press Y to get the remote controller, or you can craft one.