Yeah, same here - Hauler pathfinding is fine on short distance trips. But once I need to use the Hauler, as in, belts / rails all the way there would be a waste / hassle, it just... kinda derps out. And pretty hard, might I add.
First, it crashed head on into the wall of the garage, instead of leaving through the generously huge opening. Then, it turned around, and got stuck in that same wall with the now overlapping tail. After deconstructing that piece of wall to dislodge it, it sped out like crazy, nearly running me over, and went into the completely wrong direction for about 2 zoomed out screens of distance, and stopped juuust short of another wall. Every other direction - like, the one it was supposed to go in, for example - were all open field.
I tried to catch up with it, no chance. It would erratically wander off at random. But when the return home signal was issued from base, it worked like a charm - parked more perfect in that garage than I usually manage to, myself. And quick!
Sending it around with the remote control works just as well, too - until I go where it's supposed to go, and try to call it to me with the remote. Same issue there, then. It's too far...
I really like this mod, even if it's outrageously hard to wire some logic into these, they'd be a HUGE help if they were to actually go where I wanted to send them. My whole new savegame has been working up to this point, actually.
A circuit with intermediate "checkpoints", like breadcrumbs, might help. But dear god, I'm glad I managed to wire something up that barely works, with only two destinations.
Halp? Plz.