AAI Programmable Vehicles

Makes vehicles act like RTS units. Control them using a remote control handset, or program them with circuit conditions and zones. Can be used for base enemy base assault, patrols, friendly base navigation, vehicle-based mining, and more advanced applications. Works with vanilla and modded vehicles. Visit the mod portal page for a full feature list or the forums for tutorials.

5 months ago
0.14 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Circuit network

g Could you make starting items craftable instead of given?

7 years ago

The additional starting items make this mod a little too pushy, in my opinion. Could you add a tech to research that unlocks crafting these items? That way the player doesn't have to wander around with them in their inventory the whole game long (even before they know exactly what they're for).

Thanks for the cool mod/s!

7 years ago

When Factorio 0.15 is released with a proper mod config UI I will make this a config option, unless I forget, in which case remind me.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

It's good to hear that there's going to be a config option for researching the remote control handset, I use a few other mods that already add items to the starting character so reducing the number of "only need one of them" items I have at start is a good thing