AAI Industry

The industry part of Advanced Autonomous Industries. Adds burner machines, some new intermediate ingredients, powered offshore pumps, and more. Alters tech and recipes. Other AAI mods are not required.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

i Motor ratios

6 years ago

This has probably been thrown around a bunch but the ratio of motors and electric motors is off in an incredibly frustrating way. For example you need 1.2 motor crafters for every burner inserter crafter. Electric motors also suffer from this strange crafting time. I propose that motors be crafted in 0.5 seconds and electric motors be crafted in 0.75 seconds.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I ended up making my own mod for this at https://mods.factorio.com/mod/aai-motor-speed-tweak. That was over a year ago and my own post about the odd numbers (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/aai-industry/discussion/5a5f1b0dadcc441024d76fe6) is also over a year old, so I get the feeling the craft times simply won't be changed due to a difference of philosophies or something like that.