Advanced Logistics & Military Upgrades

Adds various logistical and military upgrades. Made specifically with Industrial Revolution 3 in mind.

Mod packs
21 days ago
Logistics Combat Armor
This mod 8 From other mods 0
Dependency types:
Default 8 Required 2 Conflict 0 Optional 6 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 901K
base >= 1.1.100 -
IndustrialRevolution3 >= 3.1.0 55.3K
PlutoniumEnergy >= 1.5.0 55.8K
Upgraded-Robots >= 0.1.0 1.43K
aai-vehicles-ironclad >= 0.6.0 183K
aai-vehicles-hauler >= 0.6.0 129K
aai-vehicles-miner >= 0.6.0 161K
bobinserters >= 0.6.0 316K
Last dependency data update: 5 hours ago (for v1.0.4)