Wave Defense Unlimited deprecated

by OwnlyMe

Wave defense with infinite scaling and lots of settings. Tower defense! Available in freeplay mode and as scenario.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Bug report - Factorio version 0.18.22

4 years ago

"Error while loading entity prototype "wd-behemoth-biter-corpse-mk-15" (corpse): Invalid color value. Values must be >= 0 and <= 255. in property tree at ROOT.corpse.wd-behemoth-biter-corpse-mk-15.animation.layers[1].hr_version.tint"
Also, I had another error raised about max behemoth health which was higher than the maximum available value (around 2.147.483.647 I think)

4 years ago

should be fixed

New response