Turret Shields

by OwnlyMe

Lightweight scripted shields with power consumption for all turrets (configurable or researchable)

18 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Turret hp display

5 years ago

I see the amount of 'Squares' left in the hp bar but when I hover over a turret I can only see it's physical hps points. I know I have Turret shield 4 so about 400 turret hp but I can only guess. I know it automatically recharges but I'd really like to see and be interested to see the actually turret hp in the same turret GUI.

Thanks man your mods are awesome like overloaded trains and shield FX and I love them. Keep up the good work

5 years ago

that would cause a huge ups hit

4 years ago

Is it possible to add the bonus to shields to the bonuses tab so we could know how much shielding we've managed to research?

4 years ago

the menu on the right? maybe with some kind of screen overlay... not sure if it's worth the hassle

4 years ago

Not the tooltip, but rather the bonuses window itself, where things like the current gun dmg/shooting speed bonuses and bot bonuses are displayed. It's the icon under the research bar that's a circle with a plus in it.

4 years ago

i see... hmm no idea
at least not for the infinite research and i dont know about the static levels

4 years ago

Ok. I just wanted to ask in case that happened to be an easier solution.

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