This mod selectively removes/hides certain technologies which are NOT considered "Tier one". Only the lowest level "Tier 1" buildings and technologies are allowed for a primitive lifestyle. Certain settings can be toggled ON to override the default behavior.
What does this mod do ?
It limits the player to the following items ONLY :
- Only yellow belt
- Only grey assemblers (except when fluid recipes require a blue assembler)
- Only stone furnaces
- Only wooden power poles.
- Only the slowest version of everything, etc etc..
- No logistic bots.
- No beacons or modules
- Yellow inserters are allowed.
- And a few other changes...
Specifically these Technologies are removed
Always Disabled Technologies
- advanced-material-processing
- advanced-material-processing-2
- automation-3
- effect-transmission
- electric-energy-distribution-1
- electric-energy-distribution-2
- fast-inserter
- logistic-robotics
- logistic-system
- logistics-2
- logistics-3
- nuclear-fuel-reprocessing
- nuclear-power
- stack-inserter
- uranium-processing
- uranium-ammo
Optionally Disabled Technologies ( via settings menu )
- artillery
- artillery-shell-range-1
- artillery-shell-speed-1
- atomic-bomb
- belt-immunity-equipment
- coal-liquefaction
- construction-robotics
- defender
- destroyer
- discharge-defense-equipment
- distractor
- effectivity-module
- effectivity-module-2
- effectivity-module-3
- energy-shield-equipment
- energy-shield-mk2-equipment
- energy-weapons-damage-1
- exoskeleton-equipment
- explosive-rocketry
- laser
- laser-shooting-speed-1
- laser-turret
- modular-armor
- night-vision-equipment
- battery-equipment
- battery-mk2-equipment
- personal-laser-defense-equipment
- personal-roboport-equipment
- personal-roboport-mk2-equipment
- fusion-reactor-equipment
- solar-panel-equipment
- power-armor
- power-armor-mk2
- rocketry
- spidertron
These recipes are removed (because they are prohibited, but their technology is mandatory)
- productivity-module-3
- speed-module-3
- steel-chest