Carbon Capture Fuel

Pollution to Fuel with only Electricity

4 months ago
Combat Mining Manufacturing Power
4 months ago
Latest Version:
0.0.9 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
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559 users

Contains entity: Modified base assembly machines that comsume power and product Solid Fuel cubes.

- This very simplified machine removes all other complexity and turns power directly to Fuel through the Direct Air Carbon Capture.
- This machine, if in the presence of pollution, will also very slightly reduce the amount of pollution in the area around it, but pollution is not required.
- Mod is intended to emulate generally accepted efficiency data in real-world 2023.
-- Mark 1 machine 90% "Capture" efficient, 5% power efficient. (-.375 Pollution/min, +1 solid-fuel every 8 minutes)
-- Mark 2 machine 94% "Capture" efficient, 10% power efficient. (-1.565 Pollution/min, +1 solid-fuel every 2 minutes)
-- Mark 3 machine 98% "Capture" efficient, 15% power efficient. (-7.41 Pollution/min, +1 solid-fuel every 26.6 seconds)

I enjoy Air Capture mods in Factorio but I mostly enjoy vanilla with a quality of life or realism mods. While I love some of the existing pollution removal/reduction mods that can by powered by renewable or nuclear power, they are either too complex with additional items/entities/processes to manage or they are simple and extremely over powered requiring very little power for huge pollution reductions. I wanted to create a simple mod that required significant amounts of power to be realistic to technology available in the real world today, but still have the consequence of a by product (Solid fuel cubes).

If you want to remove pollution with these you will need a LOT of power and eventually a way to address the solid fuel cubes without just burning them and making more pollution. These entities are not "pollution aware" so if you don't want them to produce solid fuel cubes when there is no pollution, you should turn them off manually or automate them to turn off when the pollution producing machines are not operating. The science to unlock these is relatively low tier intentionally so these can be used early game for pollution reduction if you are able to ramp up 'clean power' quickly. Enjoy!

Note: This is my first mod. Please reports problems/bugs and help me learn to improve it. I don't expect it to have issues with other mods as it is largely based off stock entities and has modifications to simple stock attributes.