Spidertron Enhancements

Some simple features to make your life easier whilst using a spidertron: - Enter a vehicle without leaving your spidertron - Quickly toggle between engineer and spidertron - Use spidertron remote pathfinder to navigate around lakes - Automatically sort spidertron inventories - Pipette remotes from inventory by hovering over spidertrons - Directly open the inventory of a vehicle that you are currently driving

6 days ago
1.0 - 2.0

i Remotely Enter Vehicles

1 year, 1 month ago

Hi! Been a big fan of this mod for a long time. (To think that my exact wish, having a spidertron head popping out of a train, would be an actual mod)

Suggestion: Add a feature for REMOTELY entering nearby vehicle with spidertron

Not sure if this is possible to implement though. The use case that made me think of this was allowing a spidertron to serve as a mobile extension of ammo trains when needed, bringing materials to assemble dragon's teeth walls etc.

Thanks for this mod.

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