Some simple features to make your life easier whilst using a spidertron: - Enter a vehicle without leaving your spidertron - Quickly toggle between engineer and spidertron - Use spidertron remote pathfinder to navigate around lakes - Automatically sort spidertron inventories - Pipette remotes from inventory by hovering over spidertrons - Directly open the inventory of a vehicle that you are currently driving
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 1.10.7 Date: 12 December 2024 Features: - Added mod setting to enable fuel requirement for spidertron - Names of some things will change from "spidertron" to "vehicle" when Lex's Aircraft or Maraxsis (submarines) are installed Bugfixes: - Fixed some tips and tricks not behaving correctly
Version: 1.10.6 Date: 5 December 2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when pressing Control + Q whilst respawning - Fixed crash when being used with Lex's Aircraft - Fixed filters being lost when a spidertron enters a vehicle or the player
Version: 1.10.5 Date: 27 November 2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed opening spidertron GUIs would trigger 'double click' - Fixed opening spidertron GUIs would play error sound - Fixed items being lost when a spidertron with toolbelt equipment entered a vehicle or the player (items are now spilled, awaiting proper fix in future)
Version: 1.10.4 Date: 9 November 2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed clicking on non-spidertrons would open in remote view - Fixed quick toggle spidertron working on space platforms - Fixed error on load with Package Logistics
Version: 1.10.3 Date: 8 November 2024 Features: - Player will now enter remote view when attempting to open inventory of out-of-range spidertron - Changed default keybind of 'Call last used spidertron' from Alt+C to Alt+S to avoid conflict with 2.0 copper wire shortcut Bugfixes: - Fixed spidertron equipment not being transferred to its corpse when the spidertron dies - Fixed spidertron remote selection being lost when the spidertron enters a vehicle
Version: 1.10.2 Date: 31 October 2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed quality of spidertron was not saved when the spidertron entered a vehicle or the player - Fixed player teleporting to remote view position when quick-toggling spidertron - Fixed crash when migrating from 1.1 to 2.0 if spidertron prototypes have been removed
Version: 1.10.1 Date: 30 October 2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed quality of equipment was not saved when the spidertron entered a vehicle or the player - Fixed crash when spidertron dies (due to an engine crash, spidertron equipment is not saved into corpses currently) - Fixed crash when using 'Shift + Tab' to open the selected spidertron in remote view
Version: 1.10.0 Date: 18 October 2024 Features: - Factorio 2.0 compatibility - Changed default keybind for pathfinding from Alt+Left-click to Alt+Right-click - Removed features that are now in the base game (disconnect remote, auto-sort spidertron inventories)
Version: 1.9.2 Date: 11 April 2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed simulations not working in 1.1.107 - Fixed crash when using 'Shift + M' to view a spidertron that is on a different surface (if SE is installed, it now opens the spidertron using Navigation Satellite)
Version: 1.9.1 Date: 26 December 2023 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when using "Enter vehicles" feature with AI spidertron from AAI Programmable Vehicles
Version: 1.9.0 Date: 23 September 2023 Features: - Added 'Shift + M' when holding a spidertron remote to view the connected spidertron in the map - When a spidertron is quick-toggled, any charging robots are returned to its inventory and the player is warned about any active robots Changes: - Changed default keybind for 'Quick toggle spidertron' from 'U' to 'Shift + Enter' - Improved visuals of spidertrons riding trains and other vehicles Bugfixes: - Fixed spidertrons being unable to ride ships from Cargo Ships
Version: 1.8.17 Date: 16 June 2023 Features: - Added default keybindings for controller users
Version: 1.8.16 Date: 14 March 2023 Bugfixes: - Fixed currently-driving spidertron overriding map view spidertron when using 'Shift + Q' (Spidertron remote pipette) - Fixed being unable to close spidertron inventory when in range and in map view
Version: 1.8.15 Date: 12 March 2023 Features: - 'Shift + Q' (Spidertron remote pipette) now works when hovering the cursor over a spidertron in map view - 'Shift + E' to open inventories of out-of-range spidertrons now only works when Remote Configuration is installed, and prevents item transfer Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when quick toggling back a spidertron that contained filtered slots or logistic requests for items from mods that have been removed
Version: 1.8.14 Date: 22 February 2023 Features: - Patrol remote pipette (Control + Shift + Q) always gives a temporary remote (compatibility with Spidertron Patrols 2.4.0)
Version: 1.8.13 Date: 12 December 2022 Features: - Spidertron pathfinder now navigates around large buildings (10x10 or greater) - Distance between waypoints decreased with smaller spidertrons, and increased with larger spidertrons Bugfixes: - Improved compatibility with AAI Ironclad (requires future Ironclad update to work fully)
Version: 1.8.12 Date: 28 November 2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when a spidertron without the logistics tab (e.g. from Insectitronics) enters a vehicle or the player - Fixed spider babies from Broodmother generating retrievable corpses
Version: 1.8.11 Date: 5 October 2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed spidertrons being unable to exit trains - Fixed Tips & Tricks simulations not working with Krastorio2
Version: 1.8.10 Date: 30 September 2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed game freeze when quick-toggling a spidertron where it can't be placed - Removed ability to issue a pathfind command to docked spidertrons from Space Spidertron
Version: 1.8.9 Date: 21 September 2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed "Request from buffer chests" value being lost when the spidertron enters a vehicle or the player - Fixed crash when quick toggling a spidertron after changing mods to remove spidertron's fuel requirement
Version: 1.8.8 Date: 17 September 2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed remote pipette not working with Nullius' mecha remote - Fixed spidertrons being able to enter hidden Space Exploration vehicles (e.g. cargo rocket silo) - Fixed crash when a spidertron has a passenger but no driver
Version: 1.8.7 Date: 2 August 2022 Features: - Added three more Tips & Tricks simulations - Simulation Helper is now a required dependency
Version: 1.8.6 Date: 15 July 2022 Bugfixes: - Spidertron corpses now keep the spidertron's color (thanks to PrestonLeeC for providing the solution!) - Fixed robots from Combat Robots Overhaul generating spidertron corpses on death - Removed duplicate info icons in mod settings
Version: 1.8.5 Date: 17 May 2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when removing spidertron after issuing a pathfind command
Version: 1.8.4 Date: 3 May 2022 Features: - Added patrol remote pipette when Spidertron Patrols is installed ('Control + Shift + Q' by default) Bugfixes: - Fixed being able to toggle into a spidertron in editor mode or Space Exploration's star map - Fixed 'Call last used spidertron' shortcut being enabled before any interactions with spidertrons
Version: 1.8.3 Date: 17 February 2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed 'Tips & Tricks' simulation (requires 'Simulation Helper' mod to view) Locale: - Added complete Russian translations (thanks SeptiSe7en on Crowdin!)
Version: 1.8.2 Date: 28 January 2022 Minor Features: - Added "Player already contains a spidertron" warning when trying to quick-toggle a second spidertron - 'Shift + Q' (Spidertron remote pipette) now plays sound clearing the cursor Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when quick-toggling into a spidertron type that no longer exists (due to mods being changed or unloaded)
Version: 1.8.1 Date: 21 January 2022 Features: - Spidertron pathfinder now navigates around Space Exploration's empty space - Improved pathfinder reliability to reduce incorrect no-paths
Version: 1.8.0 Date: 31 December 2021 Features: - Added option to increase spidertron's size (disabled by default) Locale: - Added some German translations (thanks Linebeck on Crowdin!) Bugfixes: - Fixed incorrect lighting in Spidertron Patrol's spiderling - Fixed cursor not being cleared when using the remote pipette whilst holding a library blueprint
Version: 1.7.0 Date: 14 September 2021 Features: - 'Shift + Q' (Spidertron remote pipette) can optionally create a temporary remote instead of picking one from the player's inventory (disabled by default) - Added setting that configures which vehicles a spidertron can enter: None, Trains only, All except spidertrons (default), All Locale: - Added some Brazilian Portuguese translations (thanks Bruno Melo on Crowdin!) Bugfixes: - Fixed possible crash when playing with Space Exploration and pressing 'U' whilst Navigation Satellite Uplink is open
Version: 1.6.2 Date: 4 July 2021 Compatibility: - Allow Alt + Click pathfinder mode to work with spidertron remotes from other mods (e.g. Spidertron control center)
Version: 1.6.1 Date: 15 May 2021 Compatibility: - Fixed crash when a Krastorio2 spidertron enters a vehicle if another mod (such as RSO) changed the mod load order
Version: 1.6.0 Date: 10 May 2021 Features: - Added settings to configure the spidertron volume and sound play frequency Changes: - New thumbnail Compatibility: - Players can no longer quick-toggle to enter a spidertron whilst jetpack is active Bugfixes: - Fixed 'Shift + Q' (Spidertron remote pipette) causing crash when in god mode
Version: 1.5.4 Date: 7 May 2021 Compatibility: - Fixed crash in Spidertron Patrols v2.1.0
Version: 1.5.3 Date: 7 May 2021 Changes: - 'Shift + Q' (Spidertron remote pipette) will now clear cursor instead of picking a remote if the player is already holding an item Compatibility: - Added on_player_disconnected_spider_remote event to remote interface for better compatibility with Spidertron Patrols
Version: 1.5.2 Date: 4 May 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when quick-toggling spidertron whilst Spidertron Patrols is installed - Fixed spidertron remotes not keeping their connections when the spidertron mounts another vehicle
Version: 1.5.1 Date: 2 May 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when starting new game
Version: 1.5.0 Date: 2 May 2021 Features: - Added 'Shift + Right-click' to disconnect currently held remote - Spidertron inventories will never be forcibly closed, no matter how far away the spidertron becomes from the player - When holding a spidertron remote, 'Shift + E' now opens the GUI of the connected spidertron (when not holding a connected remote, it still opens the current vehicle GUI) - 'Shift + Q' (Spidertron remote pipette) will now pick remote connected to the spidertron the player is currently driving if no spidertron is selected Bugfixes: - Fixed 'Shift + E' opening the vehicle GUI instead of closing the current GUI for some GUIs - Fixed 'Shift + E' not closing the current GUI when not in a vehicle - Fixed crash in multiplayer when a passenger exits a spidertron that has no driver - Fixed 'Call last used spidertron' shortcut not toggling off when another player calls your spidertron Compatibility: - Compatibility added for Spidertron Patrols
Version: 1.4.11 Date: 20 April 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when spidertron with no equipment grid dies - Fixed 'Travelling Spidertron' causing item loss if another mod increases spidertron inventory size
Version: 1.4.10 Date: 14 April 2021 Features: - 'Call last used spidertron' now sets the same follow offset every time it is used - 'Spidertron remote pipette' plays success and failure sounds Changes: - 'Shift + E' now closes the current GUI instead of immediately opening the vehicle GUI (it now behaves more like 'E')
Version: 1.4.9 Date: 13 April 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when quick-toggling a spidertron in editor mode
Version: 1.4.8 Date: 7 April 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed spidertron remotes becoming disconnected when that spidertron mounts another vehicle
Version: 1.4.7 Date: 7 April 2021 Changes: - Players now keep their walking state when quick-toggling into a spidertron (so they don't have to re-press WASD) Bugfixes: - Fixed being able to quick toggle a spidertron whilst another spidertron is riding on top of it (leaving behind a floating head) - Fixed z-fighting graphical artifacts appearing when a spidertron dismounts another spidertron
Version: 1.4.6 Date: 5 April 2021 Features: - 'Spidertron remote pipette' will now optionally select an unconnected remote if no connected remotes are found Changes: - 'Call last used spidertron' shortcut now becomes unavailable when there is no last used spidertron to call Bugfixes: - Fixed spidertron remotes not being reconnected after toggling a spidertron if their inventory position had changed
Version: 1.4.5 Date: 29 March 2021 Compatibility: - Companion drones no longer generate corpses upon death Bugfixes: - Fixed items with data (such as equipment grids) losing their data when stored in spidertron corpses - Fixed modded spidertron fuel (e.g. Krastorio2 or Tarantulator) not being stored in spidertron corpses
Version: 1.4.4 Date: 29 March 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when spidertron dies - Fixed modded spidertron fuel (e.g. Krastorio2 or Tarantulator) being lost when the spidertron enters a vehicle or the player
Version: 1.4.3 Date: 26 March 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed 'Call last used spidertron' shortcut not being toggled off when a remote is used to order the spidertron
Version: 1.4.2 Date: 25 March 2021 Changes: - Changed 'Call last used spidertron' shortcut icon from crosshair to whistle - Changed 'Call last used spidertron' default keybind from 'Alt + F' to 'Alt + C'
Version: 1.4.1 Date: 24 March 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash after pressing 'U'
Version: 1.4.0 Date: 24 March 2021 Features: - Press 'Alt + F' or click on the shortcut to call your most recently driven spidertron to you Changes: - Spidertron inventories are now saved into a corpse instead of being spilled upon death - Moved "Enter/exit vehicles from spidertron" configuration into Per player settings - Renamed and moved associated setting to "Startup" Bugfixes: - Fixed some crashes and inconsistencies when entering other players' spidertrons from your own in multiplayer
Version: 1.3.0 Date: 22 March 2021 Features: - Alt + Click with spidertron remote to activate pathfinder which automatically navigates around lakes Changes: - Simhelper is now optional
Version: 1.2.8 Date: 19 February 2021 Features: - New 'Tips & Tricks' simulation - French localisation (thanks sephrat!) Bugfixes: - Fixed passenger (player 2) being teleported back into spidertron after reactivation - Fixed interference with Warptorio2 Expansion's Marvin (and other non-minable spidertrons)
Version: 1.2.7 Date: 17 January 2021 Compatibility: - Fixed spidertron getting stuck on top of a companion drone from Companion Drones Bugfixes: - Fixed other players being able to get in a travelling spidertron
Version: 1.2.6 Date: 14 January 2021 Changes: - Setting for using 'U' to enter/exit vehicles from spidertron now defaults to off because 1.1.9 makes exiting spidertrons with 'Enter' much more reliable Bugfixes: - Fixed player getting stuck in an entity (eg rocket silo or train carriage) after using 'U' to toggle spidertron - Fixed spidertron on vehicle being rendered on the same layer as alt-mode icons causing inconsistent visibility and flickering - Fixed spidertron name being lost when entering vehicles - Fixed being able to leave spidertron in vehicle when "Enter/exit vehicles from spidertron with standard control 'Enter'" setting is off
Version: 1.2.5 Date: 10 January 2021 Changes: - Improved setting and control descriptions Bugfixes: - Fixed spidertron being created in the wrong place when exiting a vehicle by pressing 'Enter' - Fixed smoke appearing in the wrong place when entering vehicle from spidertron by pressing 'Enter' Compatibility: - Fixed compatibility with Spidertron Weapon Switcher
Version: 1.2.4 Date: 7 January 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when a player dies whilst their spidertron is inactive
Version: 1.2.3 Date: 7 January 2021 Features: - Spidertron plays sounds and emits smoke when entering and exiting a vehicle - Spidertron now rotates with vehicle whilst on top of it - Spidertron fully retracts legs whilst on top of a vehicle (this is because there are no rotation sprites for the legs) Changes: - Spidertron riding on top of vehicles setting is now on by default and no longer experimental Compatibility: - Added support for modded spidertrons to ride on vehicles Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when moving remote connected to inactive spidertron - Fixed spidertron on vehicle falling behind when the vehicle is moving fast
Version: 1.2.2 Date: 5 January 2021 Features: - Spidertron now rides on top of vehicles instead of inside. Experimental so off by default - Completed changes required for Spidertron Engineer to depend on this mod
Version: 1.2.1 Date: 4 January 2021 Features: - Added is_spidertron_in_vehicle remote interface for future Spidertron Engineer compatibility Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when using non-entity GUIs with auto-sort enabled
Version: 1.2.0 Date: 3 January 2021 Features: - Automatically sorts spidertron inventory - 'Shift + E' to open the GUI of the vehicle that you are currently driving - Added smoke effect when reactivating hidden spidertron Bugfixes: - Fixed selected weapon slot being reset to slot 1 when spidertron is reactivated - Fixed crash when a vehicle containing a player is destroyed
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 21 December 2020 Features: - 'Shift + Q' to select remote connected to the spidertron that you are hovering over - Added thumbnail
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 12 December 2020 Features: - 1.1 compatibility
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 12 December 2020 Features: - Initial release - Enter a train or other vehicle without leaving the spidertron - Quick toggle between engineer and spidertron - Spill spidertron items on ground upon death