Space Extension Mod (Feoras Fork)

by Feoras

Greatly extend the end game requiring multiple launches, massively increased science and item production. Requires a few hundred launches with a variety of new components. The goal is to build a vessel capable of getting you off the planet and home safely.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network Manufacturing

i [Fixed] Janky Quality intergration

1 year, 3 months ago

Just a request, since this one would be impossible to do with a bridging mod:

Intergrate with Janky Quality to make all the spaceship components need to be legendary quality.

1 year, 2 months ago


sorry for the late reply.
Do you know any mod that already has integrated Janky Quality?
I'm not sure if I have time to look at it in the next few weeks.

If you want you can create a pull request on github and I can merge it there.

1 year, 2 months ago

Not sure where I'd begin for making sure I catch everywhere needed. (I'm very much a cheap hack when it comes to modding)

Jankey-quality has a function libq.name_with_quality(name, quality) for getting the name for the quality component, it would be a case of being able to switch the launch triggers from the current item names to the returns from that.

1 year, 1 month ago

Added support for janky-quality with version 1.2.10
Default it requires all components to be of quality 5 / legendary (changeable in the settings)


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