Smart Inserters

A modern and configurable approach at adjustable inserters to change pickup/drop position/offsets, and much more like custom inserter length, custom setting for ranges and diagonals, support for slim and big inserters... Enjoy!

9 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [DONE] Support for "slim" inserters

1 year, 6 months ago

Would you support "slim" inserters? They are attached directly to machines, chest and belts.
Technical based on "vanilla" inserter but with a height of 0 instead of 1, so the pickup-/drop-position are 0.5 tiles shorter on the x-axis.

used by:
- Arrow Inserter
-Kuxynator's Slim Inserters

This is not a request to support only these mods, more a general request for all inserters with a height of 0 instead of 1

I already have a PR for bobinserters. Technically there is just a simple conversion function in between without having to change the rest of the code.

1 year, 6 months ago

From what I'm seeing the middle row, and I guess column aren't so happy about the inserter size
Also be wary that your mod has a problem (I did not try also Arrow inserter) you can plase infinite inserter in the same spot (this is not somethign I can account for in my mod)
Also if you place a double inserter in Any other inserter the world will crash

I will see what I can do on my side but if you can't click on the inserter I can't make it configurable reliably

To implement full compatibility I need to check rotation and inserter size and change a bit of stuff inside the update function, this may take a few days since I can't work 24h on this, ill post here and on discord updates

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)
The default usage is a straight line, with an additional offset to select the side of an belt.
It can be used in other ways as long as it is not restricted in UI, but that is another task. First of all, the positions should all be able to be set correctly.

There is a max of 2 inserters per tile, booth can be clicked. if there are more, this would be a bug.

And yes there a some cases to do in my mod with safely placing mixed inserters ;-)

No hurry, for bobinserters I wait since 14 days and I have written the code my self .

Best regards

P.S: relative positions in the image

{0, -0.5} -> {0, 0.5}
{0, -1.5} -> {0, 0.5}
{0, -0.5} -> {0, 1.5}
{0, -1.5} -> {0, 1.703125}         -- (1.5 + 0.2)
{0, -2.5} -> {0, 2.703125}         -- (2.5 - 0.2)
{0, -0.5} -> {-0.19921875, 0.30078125}    -- (0 - 0.2)  (0.5 - 0.2)
{0, -0.5} -> {0.203125, 0.30078125}           -- (0 + 0.2)  (0.5 - 0.2)
{0, -0.5} -> {-0.19921875, 1.703125}         -- (0 - 0.2)  (1.5 + 0.2)
{0, -1.5} -> {0.2, 1.30078125}                        -- (0 + 0.2)  (1.5 - 0.2)

there is a simnple conversation rule (ffor the intended usage):
for direction N or S all Y values are -0.5 in compare to vanilla inserter.
for direction E or W all X values are -0.5 in compare to vanilla inserter.

In current version there is a workaround, if the Inserter UI is closed I correct the positions.

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

I tried a bunch of things eith the UI, I'm having an hard time figuring out when something is going bad and when your mod is fixing the range itself, I will work on the 2.0.1 ( I think this version does not have the workaround implemented but I have not checked still)

ui changes till now -
server -

edit: since this kind of inserter is directional I was thinking about limiting them to move item only in on direction but this will need a lot of time to implement...

edit again: script.on_event(, this.on_selected_entity_changed) this line of code in 2.0.1 is breaking everything, in the new version is hard to bypass the workaround, in 2.0.1 if you go hover the inserter it gets resetted

1 year, 6 months ago

Probably the update will come out tomorrow

New response