Simple Compress

by Zaflis

Adds recipes to compress and decompress ores and plates

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0
Logistics Storage

g I love simple compress

4 years ago

Heya just wanted to say I love simple compress, and i wanted to ask if you wanted to add a video to the information page?
I made this video a few months back:

4 years ago

That's nice, i didn't realize there was such. Also i thought productivity modules do work, if they don't it's a bug.
Coal fuel value was just set lower, i guess for better balance as was the smelting loss. If you set smelting output multiplier to 1.0 you would need same amount of furnaces for raw and compressed ores. So the smelting speed is exponential smart formula depending on it. If multiplier was 1.2 for example (kind of passive productivity bonus) it wouldn't take x1.2 time but much more. I prefer 1.0 myself but then again i may not always aim for perfect balance. It just really takes 20 times longer to smelt than regular ore, but you get 20 out, wasn't sure people want that kind of wait by default.
Oh, whistlestop factories propably go well with this one with those huge machines with insane crafting speeds.

4 years ago

yep at the time i think there wasnt a option to change the multiplier (it was back when simple compress and ore compress either just merged or just before they merged. The video is quite old but still relevant

4 years ago

Productivity was indeed not there, but i found a way to do it in discord, thanks RustyBlade64. I'll be releasing a new version soon with some balance changes. For one i want 1.0 smelting output be the default, i for one don't want to play any other way so. Stack size will reduce from 100 to 50 and crafting speed increasing from 4 to 3 seconds, so that 2 speed moduled assemblers will be enough for 1 full belt. With that it's already hard enough to actually insert all the ore that fast. I think i'll want to support bob's modules too (productivity, raw productivity and god tier 1-8) so this will still take a bit.

Would you think the coal as fuel would be better with 1:1 vanilla value? I could perhaps make it a config too, but i'm open to suggestions with these. People say balance this and that, but in the end if there is loss involved i don't actually want to use it at all. Then again i don't use rocket fuel in steam engines either, it actually is less efficient than solid fuel.

4 years ago

I use nuclear fuel in everything after i get koverex (its more efficient) and having belts of green glowy stuff is awesome!
Coal I think would be best at a 1:1 fuel value, as its not as if your loosing any mass when compressing/decompressing and wouldnt make sense unless there was also a fuel value loss when decompressing.

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