Schall Starting Tech

Adjustable starting technology levels. Options on unlock all tech as researched, exclude sapce science techs, infinite tech individual levels, and more. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

3 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g [Responded] option to invert search (Will not implement)

4 years ago


instead of EXCLUDE, can we have INCLUDE option? because with mods like bob+angels this unlocked a bunch of stuff way beyond logistics/automation and those are the only two levels I wanted unlocked.

4 years ago

Upon planning phase of this mod, actually I thought to use INCLUDE mode in mind. However, when I actually write the code, I feel the EXCLUDE mod is much more feasible.
A/ EXCLUDE mode: Any science packs (SP) name match will skip the tech. Easiest algorithm and fastest in looping all tech.
B/ INCLUDE mode with OR conditions: Any SP name match will enable the tech. More comparisons in average than A. The BIG problem is that for vanilla tech, one cannot select low level tech only. (Select automation SP is selecting all vanilla tech...) Not even suitable for vanilla tech. I guess this is not you wanted.
C/ INCLUDE mode with AND conditions: All SP must be name matched to enable the tech. The small problem is much much more comparisons than A or B, hence much slower. The BIG problem is all tech with custom/modded SP will never be included! This means a very poor compatibility with other mods. I think you mean this option, but it is actually a terrible idea...

So for your needs, I think it is not about messing with INCLUDE/EXCLUDE, but just to add extra options for each new/modded SP.
It is sufficient to make a new compatible mod and add to settings.lua with the new SP(s). Settings name must be matching Lua pattern "^startuptech%-exclude%-.+%-science%-pack$" and being type "bool-setting". No need to add any "data.lua" nor "control.lua". My control script should be able to detect and use these "external" settings automatically.

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