Schall Recipe Scaling

Adds scaled up version of recipes, in order to get around the game limitation (60 crafting per second) faced by very high speed machines. This allows for true mass production under healthy UPS. Designed for supporting scaled up machines from “Schall Machine Scaling” mod. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [Responded] Not really needed for 2.0

3 months ago

In 2.0 machines can craft more than once per second now so this mod probably does nothing. Need someone to check the performance, but I think it would be very negligible.

3 months ago

You are so quick in response!

Yes, I was typing the notice in the header while you are sending this. :-P
This is exactly why this mod has served its historical purpose. I updated this to 2.0 anyway, in case users may still have old saves with many machines running in scaled recipes, this 2.0.0 update will save their hassle. (Instead of downloading an old game version to edit their bases.)

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Nice, that's good to know.

3 months ago

I wondered if you were wrong, because I was still hitting engine limitations on output with an Assembling machine +6 crafting gears, at least when inserters were involved. All I can say is switching from scaled recipes to non-scaled recipes does not change output, so I can confirm that this mod is no longer needed.

3 months ago

When increasing the recipe size multiplier to 200, there is a marginal increase in productivity when using the scaled recipe, from 350k/min to 360k/min with gears. There was no benefit for copper cable, producing 720k/min in both cases. It seems that machines can only have one stack of items removed per tick.

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