Schall Recipe Scaling

Adds scaled up version of recipes, in order to get around the game limitation (60 crafting per second) faced by very high speed machines. This allows for true mass production under healthy UPS. Designed for supporting scaled up machines from “Schall Machine Scaling” mod. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b [Solved] 1.1 Update (Not a bug)

4 years ago

Does No effect at all on game version 1.1

4 years ago

to be more accurate when it appears in the tech screen and when i disable the mod the migration tells me that the recipes has been removed
but i cannot select it in the machines

4 years ago

Are you using “Schall Machine Scaling”, or some other machines mod?
Have you modified the mod settings?

Note that the scaled recipes do NOT show up in player handcrafting menu nor in vanilla machines, by default.
If you have not changed any mod settings, those scaled recipes (denoted by a purple cross at lower-left of icon) only show up in machines of “Schall Machine Scaling” tier 3 or above.

4 years ago

Also, as you mention "no effect on 1.1", does it mean that you have used this mod before in previous versions? And it worked before?
Is the problem specific to 1.1 only?

4 years ago

yes i always use it in 0.18 and 1.0 and I'm using bobs machines , i always use this combination of mods , that happens only in 1.1
and i always use max value in setting i think it is 65000

4 years ago

If only just straight upgrade (without any mods or mod settings being changed), then this would be strange.
The only change with Schall Recipe Scaling 1.1.0 is only related to Schall Tank Platoon 1.1.0, so should not be relevant to your case.

Can you check the mod settings, if they are altered or reset for any reason?
Also, are there any major changes in the mods you are using?

There is a sidenote about the scaled recipes. If the product has stack size of 1 only, then the scaled recipe will NOT be generated (as it would be identical to the original recipe).
This could happen if say, item A had stack size of 5 in 1.0. Now the game 1.1 (or some mods 1.1) changed it to stack size of 1 only. The scaled recipe would then disappear in the upgrade.

PS: The max allowed value of scale multiplier is 200. Are you refering to this setting?

4 years ago

i figured it out

i have to change the mod settings (Machines using scaled recipes) to *
that way the mod words fine
that should be the default settings man it really do cause it take ages to figure it out what was wrong

4 years ago

Glad you found it out.
Yet I have no clue how it is related to "happens only in 1.1 but worked in 0.18 and 1.0", as what you mentioned above. I have not altered any options name for 1.1.0, so the mod settings should be persistent across game and mod upgrades.
Not to mention, syncing with save game should load the last settings you have applied in your save games, even if you have wiped out your game installation.

And no, * will never be the default value. The extra set of recipes will bloat the selection menu in vanilla slow machines (especially on assembling machine 1 & 2) where there are useless there. This field is to exactly avoid this.
If you have an appropriate default value to support with Bob's machines, I may consider applying that. But * is not the appropriate default value.

4 years ago

Yes i got a new PC so all the settings are reset
and thanks for your support i will try to figure a setting to support with Bob's machines

4 years ago

and i have to thank you for this amazing mod
it really solves the game limitation

4 years ago

Oh, I see.
So please try "sync with save" method as mentioned above, there is no need to explore and restore your previous settings manually.

Glad you find this mod helpful.
And yes, the Bob's machines mod set (with those numerous tiers and modules...) is the first place to let me know of such game limitation even exists! Only by reading the old forum posts and it was the first time I heard of such "invisible" ceiling of 60 crafting/s.
So I am not surprised if Bob's mod users may use this mod to get over the limit. Yet mine is an old laptop, so I cannot find out the list of Bob's machines (or from any overhaul mods) myself.

4 years ago

the only thing i think about now is to make compatibility with pressurized fluids mod to use HP ingredients instead of the normal one ( cause it is the only way to lower the number of oil refiners and chemical machines cause with big speed boost make the fluids input and output pipes cannot handle the flow)
i do it by a mod that i don't like and don't use anything in it except this feature which is dead lock stacked recipes and i have to install a bunch of other mods just to make that mod work like deadlock stacking and belt boxes and other dependency mods and i don't use these either cause they are too over powered and ruins the fun in the game complicity

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