Schall Recipe Scaling

Adds scaled up version of recipes, in order to get around the game limitation (60 crafting per second) faced by very high speed machines. This allows for true mass production under healthy UPS. Designed for supporting scaled up machines from “Schall Machine Scaling” mod. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [Pending] Suggestion: Science Lab Recipe Scaling?

4 years ago

So with the recipe scaling mod you get around the tick limit of crafts per second which is fantastic with your larger machines mod.

However the higher level labs have the issue where even with inserter stack sizes of 255 [max] they are constantly stalling due to the lag between the recipe ending and the machine making a call for more resources.


Is it possible to set one "craft" of a labs process cost say 1000x more packs but yield 1000x more "points" towards the science you are researching?

Right now using level 4/5/6 labs even with no speed beacons seems useless as they seem to stall and wait on new pack deliveries constantly. If the requirement was much larger, recipe took longer and result was much larger then that second delay suddenly becomes a tiny % time cost VS how many packs/points are being generated.


4 years ago

Unfortunately it would not work well.
The science pack cost is "embedded" inside each technology. It would require modifying the cost table within the technologies. The resulting "modified technology" entries would have problem when researched in the lower tier labs.

In my personal gameplay, I always use two best productivity modules in all labs. Without speed beacons, even labs +5 do not reach the limitation for some technologies yet. So labs +4 and +5 are definitely useful in my games.
Surely labs +6 is overkill for vanilla technologies, but some other mods may introduce some advanced technologies that have very low research time to make use of it. Who knows?

4 years ago

Shame there is nothing to be done about this. I am seeing the same thing as DanzaDragon. I use a lab +5 surrounded by vanilla stack inserters (capacity around 200), 2x prod module 3, surrounded by beacons with speed 3 modules. Science pack stack size is 20k. I have 16x lab +5s in this configuration and it's topping out around the 350kSPM region (estimate because my factory only sustained 200kSPM ish before I started rebuilding with scaled recipes). There is no point using the lab +6 as the inserter stalling problem is the limiting factor, it would just waste space.

Would it be possible to modify the technologies cost tables but only for specific infinite technologies beyond a certain level?

4 years ago

Would it be possible to modify the technologies cost tables but only for specific infinite technologies beyond a certain level?

This is a good idea! So yes, it is possible if only an expensive technology (cost beyond certain threshold) get scaled, so cheaper technologies are not affected.
Maybe I could add some extra options for users to choose what technologies will be scaled or not.
This will probably be done in a new mod though, as it has nothing to do with "Machine" nor "Recipe"...

4 years ago

Sounds awesome. I can't wait.

4 years ago

That would be fantastic Schall! I look forward to seeing what you come up with :)

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