Schall Recipe Scaling

Adds scaled up version of recipes, in order to get around the game limitation (60 crafting per second) faced by very high speed machines. This allows for true mass production under healthy UPS. Designed for supporting scaled up machines from “Schall Machine Scaling” mod. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [Responded] Bug (Insufficient info)

5 years ago

Error while loading recipe prototype "locomotive-RS" (recipe): Difficulty normal: Value (75000.000000) outside of range. The data type allows values from 0 to 65535 in property tree at ROOT.recipe.locomotive-RS.normal.ingredients

4 years ago

This should have been solved in version 0.17.1, which is three months ago.

What mod version and game version are you using?
What other mods have you used that have ANYTHING to do with locomotive?

4 years ago

I had that too. It doesn't like something with FARL.

4 years ago

Can any of you just provide information that I asked?
I need to reproduce the error in order to do debugging. I cannot solve anything just because of such error report.

PS: Typed error message can be missing details BTW. Someone sent me a similar bug report some time ago. Ended up that user "auto-corrected" a misspelling (in other's mod, not mine), which would have been showing the actual source of error. I had wasted three hours just to figure that out... The time needed would reduce to less than 10 minutes if that user had sent the "original" error message...
Simply to say, if you need problems be solved, send me enough details.

4 years ago

Oh, sorry. I had just disabled FARL. I'd rather have this anyway. But if it helps, here's a screenshot of the error, and it was on 0.18.11

4 years ago

моя ошибка ровно как у HylianLZ
решил - загрузкой 1 мода и выставлением в настройках меньшего значения множителя рецептов

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Finally have time to test this.
I have tested FARL 4.0.1 + Schall Recipe Scaling 0.18.1 with both game 0.18.8 and 0.18.15.
Game is successfully started, and working normally in Both game versions.

As you can see on the screenshot, both FARL and this mod are loaded. Recipe "locomotive-RS" is loaded perfectly fine.
I cannot reproduce your error at all.

So if you need the problem be solved, answer my previous questions and send me enough details. (See above replies.)
Sending the error message and error screenshot does not help at all.

New response