Schall Radar Alignment

Displaying player's position in coordinates. Assist in radar placement and alignment with an indicator. Designed for OCD players who want to have complete radar coverage of the map, for surveillance or showcasing purposes. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Solved] It seems it isn't work on 0.18.28

4 years ago

It seems it isn't work on 0.18.28
Will you update it please? :)

4 years ago

I am on 0.18.28, both the upper left GUI panel and center guide are working. Everything works.
What is not working in your game?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

v0.18.1 - the upper left GUI panel works fine now. There is no center guide at all.
I'm using a lot of mods (and Krastorio2 too), may be that is the reason.

If you're interested in fixing this would you specify what info needed from me? :)
Thank you.

4 years ago

If you see the upper left GUI panel, then the update function create_gui_radar() is successfully called. Inside it also create adhoc the needed elements to center GUI.
So in theory, I expect both are existing or both are missing. Your situation is rather strange to me...

I can only think of the following cases for your situation:
A/ Other mod(s) hid the root center GUI, preventing any elements within it to get displayed.
B/ Other mod(s) replaced the center GUI, displaying only it(their) own elements.
C/ Other mod(s) quickly removed elements from the center GUI, preventing any elements within it to get displayed.
D/ Other mod(s) changed the default font style on labels, so text is not visible. (Less likely though.)
E/ The guide (text or radar icon) is already there, just you have missed seeing that. (Located over the feet of player character, NOT at mouse cursor. See my screenshots.)

So the first thing is to check again if the center guide is there (point E).
If not, please check if any other mods are displaying anything on the center GUI. These mods are more likely to be the cause.
If not finding any, please try starting a new game. (You may use Creative Mod or Schall Starting Inventory to put down Infinity Chest, to easily get yourself a Radar.) This will determine if the problem lies beneath mods or inside savegame.

If still no clues yet with the above checks, then have to rely on trial-and-error:
1/ Enable this mod only. (Maybe also Creative Mod or Schall Starting Inventory to put down Infinity Chest, to easily get yourself a Radar.)
2/ Give yourself a radar to inventory.
3/ Hold radar in hand. Both upper-left GUI panel and center guide should be there.
4/ Unhold radar, to dismiss both.
5/ Save game.
6/ Enable ONE additional mod from your mod list.
7/ Load game, repeat from 3.
Mod(s) responsible should be identified with these steps. Then I can investigate into them and work out the solution.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

You are absolutely right!

E/ The guide (text or radar icon) is already there, just you have missed seeing that. (Located over the feet of player character, NOT at mouse cursor. See my screenshots.)

It has been moved to the up of the screen.
Thank you for the mod, your kindness and the best support! :)

4 years ago

"Up of the screen"? Guess your other mods are using a lot of the center GUI. :-D
But anyway, it is good you have figured it out.

New response