Schall Radar Alignment

Displaying player's position in coordinates. Assist in radar placement and alignment with an indicator. Designed for OCD players who want to have complete radar coverage of the map, for surveillance or showcasing purposes. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Solved] crash with "cursor_stack (a nil value)"

5 years ago

using the newest versions of factorio (0.17.49), this mod () and some number of other mods, i just got a crash after many hours of playing a map without problems. i had no radars made yet and thus no radar in my hand. it happened when i had some other item in my hand and pushed the hotkey to pause the game. i even could reproduce it several times after loading the last autosave (do you want/need a copy of it?), grabbing any item and pushing the key to pause.
edit: even without grabbing anything, the crash happens as soon as i load that autosave and push the hotkey.

the factorio-current.log shows nothing special (no error messages or crash report) ... strange ...

The mod Schall Radar Alignment caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event SchallRadarAlignment::on_player_changed_position (ID 81)
SchallRadarAlignment/control.lua:262: attempt to index field 'cursor_stack' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
SchallRadarAlignment/control.lua:262: in function 'refresh_radar'
SchallRadarAlignment/control.lua:274: in function <SchallRadarAlignment/control.lua:273>

ps: during the begin of the map i used shift-space without problems, and recently i added a few mods, but no idea why those mods should interfere with this mod or with that hotkey.

5 years ago

Okay, guess the pause screen (of recent version) has done something unexpected...

I can reproduce too. (I just loaded a game. Doing nothing else but pause. Same crash as yours.)
Just tried adding an additional check, and it seems okay.

But before releasing the patch, something I want to ask first:
Did you try to pause the game in previous game versions? Did you have such crash too?

5 years ago

Just released as patch 0.17.1.

5 years ago

just installed and no more crashes on pausing the game. THANKS !

ps: the map isn't very old, maybe a few days only, and i certainly had used pause without problems at first, but i can't give details like the factorio version (maybe half a week = 1 or 2 versions ago)

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