Schall Inserters

Adds a few inserters with longer reach. Adds armoured inserters that are more durable, designed for feeding ammo to turrets. Adds several series of integrated inserters that are equivalent to putting speed modules in them! Can be individually enabled through options. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro, Русский)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0


Q: Do the variants of different reach have the same movement speed, thus same transfer rate?
A: No, the longer reach an inserter has, the lower is the rotation speed and transfer rate. The shortest variant is always the best in case heavy-duty is required. (See below table.)

Q: Why some longer reach inserters have lower power consumption displayed, than the shorter reach variants? Does it mean they are more energy-effective?
A: No, the energy required for a "standard" half-circle swing is INCREASING linearly with the range, within same series of inserters. (See below table.) So this is exactly against the thought that using such long inserters will save energy for the same task... The reason of why their displayed (per time) power consumption are seemingly lower, probably comes from the fact that they also operate slower.

Q: Do the armoured inserters operate at the same speed as fast inserters?
A: No, they operate slower than the fast inserters, so they are not direct upgrades over the fast inserter series. (See below table.) Unless in frontline for feeding ammo to turrets, or in dangerous area where quite susceptible to attacks, the ordinary "unarmoured" inserters are still better for the normal production.

Q: How do you come with the idea of integrated inserters?
A: At first it comes as a simple request to merely provide a +100% speed ultra-fast inserter. He was asking for an "analogy" of a popular inserter mod... I dislike to be a copycat, and I do not like the idea to have like 10 tiers of every machine neither (plus I do not have additional types of resources to make this reasonable anyway...) So I think I should do it in a reasonable and renovative way; or else I should simply drop this idea...
Then I ask myself, why should the new inserter be +100% speed? Why can't it be +50%? 200%? Or any specific speed? Then I realize the vanilla game already has something like this... It is called speed module, except it does not apply to inserters, and the game API (up to 0.18.19) does not support it neither...
So my direction becomes to make speed modules work with inserters, or at least indirectly works like that. So finally the solution becomes speed modules being pre-installed on inserters, where the speed modules are consumed in the crafting recipes. The effects of modules are directly reflected in the inserter stats. This may not be an elegant solution, but a seemingly quite reasonable and logical solution.

Q: Why adding all these integrated inserters? Why not just adding module slots to the vanilla inserters?
A: No, unfortunately it cannot be done. Game API (up to now, 0.18.19) does not support module slots or module effects to inserters. I doubt if it will ever be supported in the future neither.

Q: There are too many new inserters cluttering my recipe window. Can we just use some of them, or none of them?
A: Yes, they can be adjusted in mod options (as always like my other mods...) In the main menu, go "Options" → "Mod settings" → "Startup", then scroll to the field of this mod. Lower the numbers in the highest tiers options. Lowering to "0-0-0" will hide that whole series. So opt out those series where you rarely use.

Q: The high tier integrated inserters are very costly! It takes EIGHT speed modules 3 to make an integrated fsat inserter III +4, which is supposed to be FOUR only! Can you make them cheaper?
A: This is for balancing, to make the "lower-end" and "higher-end" inserters being both useful at the same time. This ensures players to upgrade only a few for critical locations (such as train stations plate loading/unloading); while still using the "lower-end" inserters to production area, where there are usually well enough space for placing additional inserters.
It is intentionally to be requiring geometric amount of speed modules for a tier of inserter, in the scale 2^(tier-1). The values are 1, 2, 4, 8 for tier +1, +2, +3, +4 respectively. So it still takes the "fair" amount speed modules as ingredients, while just discouraging upgrading every inserters to +3 or above.

Technical Details

Series - Ranged

This mod expands the "fast inserter series", and adds a new "armoured inserter series".

Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Range 4
Ordinary Series Inserter* Long-handed inserter*
Fast Series Fast inserter* Fast inserter II Fast inserter III Fast inserter IV
Armoured Series Armoured inserter I Armoured inserter II Armoured inserter III Armoured inserter IV

* denotes the vanilla inserters.

Performance - Ranged

Fast Fast II Fast III Fast IV
energy_per_movement 7 kJ 14 kJ 21 kJ 28 kJ
energy_per_rotation 7 kJ 14 kJ 21 kJ 28 kJ
extension_speed 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04
rotation_speed 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01
Armoured Armoured II Armoured III Armoured IV
energy_per_movement 10 kJ 20 kJ 30 kJ 40 kJ
energy_per_rotation 10 kJ 20 kJ 30 kJ 40 kJ
extension_speed 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03
rotation_speed 0.03 0.0225 0.015 0.0075

Series - Integrated

This mod expands the vanilla fast inserter, filter inserter, stack inserter, and stack filter inserter. The new series are all called "integrated X", where X is the vanilla inserter name. They are direct upgrades, as if speed modules are installed on them. These include:

  • Integrated fast inserter
  • Integrated filter inserter
  • Integrated stack inserter
  • Integrated stack filter inserter

The name of new inserters take the form of "Integrated X Y +Z". X is the vanilla inserter name, Y is the type of speed module(s) applied, Z is the amount/strength of speed module(s) applied.
For example, "Integrated stack filter inserter III +2" is equivalent to the vanilla stack filter inserter installed with TWO speed module 3 (labelled as III). Applying them is a total of +100% to speed and +140%, as reflected by the entity tooltips in the following screenshots.

Performance - Integrated

The theoretical performance, such as rotation speed and energy consumption, are also scaled directly as the module effects. No tricks involved, so the effects do not need explicit explanation here.

Do note that the actual performance, such as item transfer rate, is highly dependent on the situation and game mechanics.
As listed in the following screenshot of inserter performance analysis (done by my private mod), the chest-to-chest transfer time of vanilla stack filter inserter is 26 ticks each cycle, hence the transfer rate is 27.692 item/s.
Using "Integrated stack filter inserter III +1" takes 18 ticks only, raising to 40 item/s (+44.4%). Notice that it is less than the theoretical effects of one speed module 3 (speed +50%).
Using "Integrated stack filter inserter III +2" takes 14 ticks only, raising to 51.429 item/s (+85.7%), which is further less than the theoretical effects of two speed module 3 (speed +100%).
Using +4 is no better than +3, where each cycle takes 10 ticks in both inserters. So this is a perfect example showing the diminishing returns and even the existence of limits.

PS: Note that these figures are for chest-to-chest only (steel chest to void chest). The transfer rates are usually (but not always) lower when belts are involved.


Armoured inserters have a much higher health of 500 (fast inserters have 160), together with much enhanced resistance, as listed below (subject to balancing in future versions):

Fire 5 / 90%
Physical 5 / 50%
Impact 25 / 50%
Explosion 15 / 80%
Acid 5 / 20%
Laser 10 / 50%
Electric 10 / 50%

Other inserter series have inherited the same resistances from their parent inserters. So they are totally unarmoured and fragile (unless changed by another mod).

Full List of New (or Changed) Items


  • 3 fast inserters:
    • Fast inserter II
    • Fast inserter III
    • Fast inserter IV
  • 4 armoured inserters:
    • Armoured inserter I
    • Armoured inserter II
    • Armoured inserter III
    • Armoured inserter IV
  • 12 integrated fast inserters:
    • Integrated fast inserter I +1
    • Integrated fast inserter I +2
    • Integrated fast inserter I +3
    • Integrated fast inserter I +4
    • Integrated fast inserter II +1
    • Integrated fast inserter II +2
    • Integrated fast inserter II +3
    • Integrated fast inserter II +4
    • Integrated fast inserter III +1
    • Integrated fast inserter III +2
    • Integrated fast inserter III +3
    • Integrated fast inserter III +4
  • 12 integrated filter inserters:
    • Integrated filter inserter I +1
    • Integrated filter inserter I +2
    • Integrated filter inserter I +3
    • Integrated filter inserter I +4
    • Integrated filter inserter II +1
    • Integrated filter inserter II +2
    • Integrated filter inserter II +3
    • Integrated filter inserter II +4
    • Integrated filter inserter III +1
    • Integrated filter inserter III +2
    • Integrated filter inserter III +3
    • Integrated filter inserter III +4
  • 12 integrated stack inserters:
    • Integrated stack inserter I +1
    • Integrated stack inserter I +2
    • Integrated stack inserter I +3
    • Integrated stack inserter I +4
    • Integrated stack inserter II +1
    • Integrated stack inserter II +2
    • Integrated stack inserter II +3
    • Integrated stack inserter II +4
    • Integrated stack inserter III +1
    • Integrated stack inserter III +2
    • Integrated stack inserter III +3
    • Integrated stack inserter III +4
  • 12 integrated stack filter inserters:
    • Integrated stack filter inserter I +1
    • Integrated stack filter inserter I +2
    • Integrated stack filter inserter I +3
    • Integrated stack filter inserter I +4
    • Integrated stack filter inserter II +1
    • Integrated stack filter inserter II +2
    • Integrated stack filter inserter II +3
    • Integrated stack filter inserter II +4
    • Integrated stack filter inserter III +1
    • Integrated stack filter inserter III +2
    • Integrated stack filter inserter III +3
    • Integrated stack filter inserter III +4


  • 15 inserter-related:
    • Fast inserter 2
    • Fast inserter 3
    • Fast inserter 4
    • Armoured inserter 1
    • Armoured inserter 2
    • Armoured inserter 3
    • Armoured inserter 4
    • Integrated fast inserter 1
    • Integrated fast inserter 2
    • Integrated fast inserter 3
    • Integrated fast inserter 4
    • Integrated stack inserter 1
    • Integrated stack inserter 2
    • Integrated stack inserter 3
    • Integrated stack inserter 4