Thanks for your warm comment! This really motivates me in mod development, instead of just creating mods alone and wondering if anyone ever find my mods useful.
Regarding donations, I have never tried any such platforms before.
Just checked with descriptions of Patreon and other fundraising/donation platforms.
From what I read from them (like 1, 2, 3, they have all mentioned that Patreon demands to publish content every month (called "creator commitment" in some pages). I cannot find such or similar wordings in official Patreon site though.
But if it is the case, then it seems not so suitable to my case... I may launch multiple updates in a week, which are all just minor bugfixes or minor features. In contrast, it typically takes a few months to publish a new mod. I do not want to publish meaningless updates, just to fulfill such creator commitment. Maybe youtubers and photographers find this a non-issue, but it is not as friendly for pure game modders like me.
Ko-fi and Buy Me A Coffee sounds better alternatives to Patreon. Their donation model seems less restrictive to both creator and patrons.
Have you tried any of these (or any others)? Would you prefer (or dislike) any of them?
After setting up such an account, I may put up some of my "waiting list" of new features or new mods (that I have planned for a loooong time). Letting donators to pick or suggest features that I will consider with higher priority. Do you think this will be a suitable setup?