The reason is simple. This mod set the speed and distance of the underground belts as par player options in "data-updates" stage. But then Longer Underground Belts (aligned) mod (I abbreviated it as LUBA in the following) while reading proper belt speeds, it also OVERWRITES the distance values of all underground belts with HARDCODED values in "data-final-fixes" stage.
(Technical details: LUBA Line 10 DISTCONST
does not read property max_distance
properly. underground_distance
does not exist so always NIL value.)
PS1: "Compatibility" from my side means having to put my code to the "data-final-fixes" stage, to gain the "power" of final edit of values. But that certainly means initially a "War of final edit", which is obviously hostile and a bad programming practice.
PS2: If you are using vanilla belts of 3 tiers only, this mod already allows you to set all their underground distances. There is no need of LUBA.