Schall Belt Configuration

A minimalistic mod allowing changing vanilla belt settings, including belt speed and underground belt max distance. Also adds options on unlocking loaders, short loaders and lane splitters. Supports mods “Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders” and “Space Exploration”. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Solved] Deadlock Beltbox speed is to slow

5 years ago

Hey Schallfalke. I notice a bug while using Deadlock beltboxes for compressing and decompressing stacks. At first I thought it was Deadlock so I did some digging. I found when deadlock sets the beltbox speed he uses the following:
crafting_speed = data.raw["transport-belt"][tier_table.transport_belt].speed * 32
I checked what you had in data-updates and it is the following:
if settings.startup["deadlock-enable-beltboxes"].value then
dr["furnace"]["transport-belt-beltbox"].crafting_speed = speed_T1 * 18
dr["furnace"]["fast-transport-belt-beltbox"].crafting_speed = speed_T2 * 18
dr["furnace"]["express-transport-belt-beltbox"].crafting_speed = speed_T3 * 18
I changed the value from 18 to 32 and it works seamlessly. Could you please make an update to your mod to update the same value as Deadlock please.

5 years ago

Alright, probably Deadlock changed settings in some recent versions.
I will investigate and update that, when I have time.

5 years ago

Just released 0.17.5 including these changes.
The problem originates from changes in Deadlock beltboxes version 2.1.12 that I am unaware of.

5 years ago

Thank you! You do great work and you always reply!

5 years ago

You are welcomed.

And I realize that I have slowly made lots of mod (currently 33), that I cannot be vigilant to all the fine details.
Users like you really help me a lot!

New response